Human rights represent the essential liberties and safeguards inherent to every individual, irrespective of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic. This section focuses on examining and championing the rights and dignity of all people.
By Truneh Girma Driven by his hatred and madness Abiy Ahmed is set to eliminate the Amharas from the face of this earth. The Embittered Abiy unleashed his war machine to annihilate
*Walle Engedayehu, Ph.D. Professor of Political Science and Interim Dean Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas, U.S. A. Abstract: Studies on the geopolitics of the Horn of Africa have focused
Published first in April 14, 2012 By Tesfay Atsbeha and Kahsay Berhe Republished October 25, 2020 The inhuman measures of expelling Ethiopians from their
By Zecharias Zelalem and Will Brown/CREDIT: The Telegraph Vote kept top secret until last minute amid concerns of coercion The European Parliament has strongly
October 01, 2020 Amnesty International UK Press releases Thousands of Ethiopians expelled by neighbouring Yemen in March left to languish in disease-ridden Saudi cells
Washington UpdateSeptember 23, 20201.The present ethnic cleansing in the Benshangul, Afar and northern and southern parts of Ethiopia is the direct result of divide-and-rule
By Belayneh Abate The Amara genocide is intensified to eliminate Amaras and Christians from the Eastern, South, Central and Western parts of Ethiopia. But
Targeted attacks against Amharas have occurred again in Benishangul-Gumez Region of Ethiopia. Amhara Association of America (AAA) has received reports that 89 people mainly
Zelalem Attlee (MD, MHCM, DrPH) August 27,2020 Attestations of the Amhara Genocide and Ethnic cleansing in Ethiopia The 20th and the 21st centuries have
September 10. 2020. Monitoring Regional Issues Attestations of the Amhara Genocide and Ethnic cleansing in Ethiopia The 20th and the 21st centuries have been marked
By Abebe Gellaw Executive director of Ethiopian Satellite Television & Radio (ESAT) 2016-2019. Could a new historical novel about Ethiopia’s former dictatorship be the
The international outcry over the abduction of university students has been growing, with many people demanding information about the students’ whereabouts and the government’s
By Kidane Alemayehu Auguest 17, 2015 INTRODUCTION Rodolfo Graziani was one of Fascist Italy’s top military leaders during Benito Mussolini’s rule of that