Today: February 6, 2025

A press release from Amhara Fano in Gojjam!!!

November 20, 2024

 Asres Mare DamteAmhara Fano Condemns Brutal Massacre of Civilians in North Showa, Selale, Oromia Region by ENDF!

Gojjam, Ethiopia
November 20, 2024

The Amhara Fano forces vehemently condemn the brutal killings of civilians in the North Showa, Selale area of the Oromia region, which occurred today at the hands of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF). This horrendous act of violence continues a pattern of atrocities, aiming to deepen divisions between the Amhara and Oromo peoples, inflaming suspicions and conflict where there should be none.

The Fano forces, who have long fought against abuses and the loss of life at the hands of oppressive regimes, view these killings as not just an attack on the Oromo people but as an affront to all humanity. This is not merely a condemnation from a group of fighters who have endured similar atrocities, but a call from every individual with a sense of justice and dignity. Such acts should be unambiguously denounced by all people of conscience.

It is increasingly clear that the regime in power, notorious for its history of massacres throughout the country and particularly in the Amhara region, is once again perpetrating such horrors. These actions are part of a deliberate strategy to drive wedges between our people, particularly between the Amhara and Oromo communities—brothers and sisters who have lived in peace for centuries.

In light of these appalling events, we, the Amhara Fano, make the following calls:

1. International Investigation: We call for the immediate establishment of an independent international investigation team to thoroughly examine this heinous crime and hold the perpetrators accountable. We urge human rights organizations to mobilize all necessary resources to ensure justice is served.

2. Solidarity Against Regime Conspiracy: We call upon all Ethiopians to recognize the conspiracy of this corrupt regime and to unite in condemning these actions. It is essential that we stand together against a government determined to manipulate and divide us for its own malicious purposes.

3. Commitment to Justice: As the Fano forces continue to fight for a nation where such brutality is eradicated, we pledge that we will never engage in similar actions in the areas we control or in any territory we liberate. Our mission remains clear: to secure a peaceful, just, and united Ethiopia for all its people.

4. Condolences: Our deepest condolences go out to the families of the victims, particularly our Oromo brothers and sisters who have been brutally killed. We mourn their loss and stand in solidarity with them during this dark time.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to building a new Ethiopia, where respect for human life and dignity prevails. A new generation with new thinking is rising. Our hope for a peaceful future, free from such atrocities, is stronger than ever.

New Generation! New Thinking! New Hope!
Amhara Fano in Gojjam
Asres Mare Damtie

1 Comment

  1. From what I hear is such satanic crimes against innocent civilian lives is not rare. It is a daily occurrence both in Oromia and Amhara. Civilians are caught in the crossfire of bloody conflicts between the thugs roaming the countryside and ruthless and lawless government forces. Farms are unattended and hence going fallow. Schools, clinics and hospitals are shuttered in many rural areas in both regions that millions of children are staying at home. Patients are left to suffer and die for lack of basic healthcare facilities. Malaria, cholera and other diseases are raging in many localities. As I said before, I am holding all sides responsible for this. It is nothing but mass murder.

    We have heard today that the ICC at The Hague has issued arrest warrants for those it held responsible for what is going in Gaza. It is now the time the same court to turn its attention to the mass murder that has been taking place in Ethiopia since 2018. It should issue arrest wants for the leaders of all fighting factions in Ethiopia. Those guys have stopped heeding to reasons. They must be held accountable and face justice. Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn niggers!!!!!!

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