Today: February 5, 2025

Project Welkait Tegede: Generaons’ Quest for Truth and Justice

September 3, 2024

The book of struggle prepared by the Welkait Tegede Amhara Identity and Border Restoration Committee dated July 12 2016 Ethiopian calendar. 1The central aim of the publication titled “Welkait Tegede – Generations’ Quest for Truth and Justice” is to bring to light the atrocities perpetrated by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, against the Amhara community in Welkait Tegede, Ethiopia. Following the collapse of Mengistu’s regime, the TPLF, bolstered by diplomatic, financial, and logistical backing from Western nations, seized control of Ethiopia. Upon gaining power, the TPLF adopted a colonial approach, instigating a campaign of divisive ethnic politics that was largely orchestrated and financed by the United States and the United Kingdom. A significant objective of the TPLF was to annex the territories of Welkait Tegede, Raya, and Telemt, resulting in the displacement of the Amhara population and their replacement with Tigreans from areas across the Tekeze River, which historically demarcates the Amhara and Tigray regions.

Trainees with books 2

With unchecked authority, the TPLF employed a range of genocidal and ethnic cleansing tactics, alongside deceptive strategies, to inflict harm on the communities of Welkait Tegede and Telemt, with the intent of reshaping their demographic, linguistic, and social landscapes. This book aspires to advocate for the restoration of the rightful and historical entitlements of the Amhara people in Welkait Tegede. It aims to galvanize the local populace to resist further violations by the TPLF and to reclaim their territory by pushing the organization back across the Tekeze River. Furthermore, the publication delineates methods for organizing initiatives aimed at reinstating the region’s authentic identity, including the preservation of the Amharic language and the restoration of its social fabric.


Detailed Objectives

  1. The objective is to illustrate that the TPLF is recognized as a terrorist and ethnocentric organization, rather than a democratic entity.
  2. It is essential to convey to future generations the historical accounts of the atrocities perpetrated by the TPLF in Welkait Tegede.
  3. The upcoming generation must understand that the TPLF, regarded as an adversary, is situated just across the Tekeze River. They must remain alert to avert any further atrocities and oppression against the Amhara people of Welkait Tegede.
  4. Additionally, efforts should be made to revitalize the Welkait Tegede community, which previously faced restrictions on the use of the Amharic language during TPLF’s governance, by promoting the reading of Amharic literature and encouraging the revival of the language in this newfound era of freedom.


  1. why is it that the US foreign secretary Anthony Blinken likes to talk a lot about what he calls ‘western tigrai’. why are americans persistently court TPLF for over 50 years, and yet they have not brought any benefit to the people of tigrai. The fact is that america is not interested in the peace and prosperity of the tigrai people. It is simply perpetuating the demise of tigrai and that of the whloe region by fuelling wars and conflicts to make ethiopia unstable and eventually break up. They want to make ethiopia a submissive client state to the west . For this to happen ethiopia has to be made weak and divided. A stable , strong ethiopia in the horn of africa is seen as a threat to the western influence and dominance in the whole of africa , because of ethiopia’s history as the first black nation to defeat a white supermasict racist colonialist power and maintaining its own identity and culture.

  2. አሜሪካ ” Western Tigray” ‘” የሚለው ሃሳቧን ሙጭጭ ብላ የቀጠለችበት፣ አንድም ለዘመናት ብቸኛ ጥቁር ነፃ አገርና “አትንኩን” የምንል መሆናችን ለጀሌነት ስላላመቸ፣ ሁለተኛም ከዛሬ 50 ዓመት ወዲህ የገዙን መሪዎቻችን ያወቁ መስሏቸው ከጃንሆይ የገለልተኛ መርህ አፈንግጠው ጭልጥ ብለው ዘረኛ፣ ወይም ግራ-አክራሪ፣ ወይም በታሪክ ተመክተው ባዶ ፎካሪ መሆናቸው፣ ሶስተኛም ከዛሬ 50 ዓመት ወዲህ፣ እኣአ በ 1805 አካባቢ Henry Salt የሚባል የቅኝ ገዢዋ እንግሊዝ ወኪል፣ በራስ አሊ “መገዛት አንፈልግም ” መልስ ተናድዶ ከጎንደር በትግራይ በኩል ሲመለስ፣ Greater Tigray ብትሆኑስ ያለውን ሞኝ ዓላማ የትግራይ ልሂቃንም አምነውበት ስለሚንገታገቱና ይህንንም ለማሳካት ለአሜሪካ መንበርከኩ ስለማይቀፋቸው አሜሪካም ጥሩ አሽከር በቀንዱ አካባቢ አገኘሁ ብላ በማመኗ፣ አራተኛ የቀረው ኢትዮጵያዊም ፣ በተለይ አማራውና አፋሩ፣ ለአያሌ ክፍለ ዘመናት ለማንም መንበርከክን ባለመቀበሉና ለአሽከርነት ባለመመቸቱ፣ በመጨረሻም በአፍሪቃ ቀንድ፣ በተለይም በሶማሊያ፣ አክራሪዎች ስላሰጉ፣ አሜሪካም ለማጥፋት ሞክራ በቀላሉ የሚረቱ ሆነው ባለመገኘታቸው ” የአገሩን ሰርዶ፣ ባገሩ በሬ” እንዲሉ፣ በተለይ የትግራይ መሪ ነን ባዮች እኩል ለመሆን ሳይሆን የበላይ ገዢ ለመሆን ድጋፍ ፍለጋ መሣሪያ ለመሆን በመመቸታቸው፣ ” West Tigray ” የምትለው አገራችን ድሮ ቤገምድር እና ስሜን ይባል የነበረው መሆኑንም የሊቃውንቱ አገር አሜሪካ እያወቀችም፣ የትግራይን እሽክርና ለማቆየት ያለአግባብ መደገፉን ቀጥላበታለች ።

    በዚህ ላይ፣ እኛም በመከፋፈልና አድሮ ጥጃና ደካማ በመሆን ተባብረናታል። በእውነት ተማርን የምንለው ሁሉ አገራችንን በወሬ ሳይሆን በቴክኖሎጂና ሣይንስ ብናሳድግና እንደ እነ ገብሬ ያሉ ጠባብና ሆዳም መንደርተኞች የነፃ አውጪ ድርጅት ቅዠት ለቅቋቸው ከትንሽ መንደርነትና ሽፍታነት የሚገኝ ክብር ሳይሆን ውድመት፣መናቅና ውርደት መሆኑን ቢረዱና ትልቅ ኃያል አገር ብንሆንም ኖሮ ማን ይደፍረን ነበር ?

    እንደ እውነቱ ከሆነ፣ የኢትዮጵያ የዛሬ ችግር ዋና ፈጣሪው እኛው ራሳችን ስለሆንን፣ መጀመሪያ ራሳችንን አስተካክለን፣ ሕገ መንግሥታችንን በጋር አርመን፣ ባለን ሰፊ ለም አገር፣ ውሀና ማዕድን ሀብት በጋራ ተጠቅመን፣ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠሩ ሥራ ፈት ወጣቶቻችንን በሥራ ላይ አሠማርተን፣ የወደቁትን ግብርናውንና የትምሕርት ሥርዓቱን አስተካክለን፣ በቅርቡ ሃያል አገር መሆን እንችላለን። ያኔ ሁሉም ዜጋ ሰፊ አገር ላይ መሥራትና ማደግ ስለሚችል Western Tigray የሚለውን መቀማት አለብን የሚሉ ጠባቦችም አይኖሩም። አሜሪካም አርፋ ትቀመጣለች ።

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