You are not even ALLOWED to have internet in your home in Eritrea. No new buildings, no new cars except those outmoded cars left by Italians . Can any neftegna help this poor country whose citizens are famous for begging, stealing, and beinbg exported as a good for US, canda , and rest of richest countries. Eritrean army officials are notorious for their involvment in kident sale of eritreans to subsidize their personal and national economy. These wicked eritrean officals were suffering from envy and anger due to their defeat during ethio-eritrea war. Many ethiopians including amhara and oromos died for ethipia and the current generation supporting fanos and abiy ahmed want to give ethiopian border in Tigray to eritrea for their cooperation in massacring Tigrayans as amharan forefathers did and work with italians and other colonizers.
You are not even ALLOWED to have internet in your home in Eritrea. No new buildings, no new cars except those outmoded cars left by Italians .
In Eritrea, only 1% of the population has access to the internet and only 6% of the population has a mobile phone Can any neftegna help this poor country whose citizens are famous for begging, stealing, and beinbg exported as a good for US, canda , and rest of richest countries. Eritrean army officials are notorious for their involvment in kident sale of eritreans to subsidize their personal and national economy. These wicked eritrean officals were suffering from envy and anger due to their defeat during ethio-eritrea war. Many ethiopians including amhara and oromos died for ethipia and the current generation supporting fanos and abiy ahmed want to give ethiopian border in Tigray to eritrea for their cooperation in massacring Tigrayans as amharan forefathers did and work with italians and other colonizers.
You are not even ALLOWED to have internet in your home in Eritrea. No new buildings, no new cars except those outmoded cars left by Italians . Can any neftegna help this poor country whose citizens are famous for begging, stealing, and beinbg exported as a good for US, canda , and rest of richest countries. Eritrean army officials are notorious for their involvment in kident sale of eritreans to subsidize their personal and national economy. These wicked eritrean officals were suffering from envy and anger due to their defeat during ethio-eritrea war. Many ethiopians including amhara and oromos died for ethipia and the current generation supporting fanos and abiy ahmed want to give ethiopian border in Tigray to eritrea for their cooperation in massacring Tigrayans as amharan forefathers did and work with italians and other colonizers.
You are not even ALLOWED to have internet in your home in Eritrea. No new buildings, no new cars except those outmoded cars left by Italians .
In Eritrea, only 1% of the population has access to the internet and only 6% of the population has a mobile phone Can any neftegna help this poor country whose citizens are famous for begging, stealing, and beinbg exported as a good for US, canda , and rest of richest countries. Eritrean army officials are notorious for their involvment in kident sale of eritreans to subsidize their personal and national economy. These wicked eritrean officals were suffering from envy and anger due to their defeat during ethio-eritrea war. Many ethiopians including amhara and oromos died for ethipia and the current generation supporting fanos and abiy ahmed want to give ethiopian border in Tigray to eritrea for their cooperation in massacring Tigrayans as amharan forefathers did and work with italians and other colonizers.
የልመና ፥ስደት ፥የተገዢነት ታሪክ ያላቸው ኤርትራውያን ሀገር ከመሠረቱ በሓላ ለሠላሣ ዓመታት ሙሉ ተሠደው አንዲት ሕንጻ ሊያቆሙ አልቻሉም፤ኢትዮጵያ ውሥጥ ባዩት ዕድገትና ልማት ቅናት፥በኢትዮ ኤርትራጦርነት ሽንፈት አረውና ተቃጥለው ጦርነት ከፍተው ዝርፊያና የጅምላ ጭፍጨፋ ሲፈፀሙ ናእየፈፀሙ ይገኛሉ፥፥ድንጋይ መፍለጥ የሚማሩባት የሣዋ ፍልፍሎች ኤትራውያን ኢትዮጵያ ገነት ናት፤፤