Today: February 5, 2025

King Haile Selassie the Symbol of Resistance and Indep…

May 22, 2013

Tedla Asfaw

I did not know that the late Meles Zenawi was “fighting” for African Union (AU) to be built where OAU was established 50 years ago, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Meles said, “The reactionary Haile Selassie armed Mandela”, “The brutal killer Mengistu armed Mugabe to fight Rhodesia” and both were “strong Pan Africanist”. Follow the clip http://www.aigaforum.com/

The late Meles Zenawi wanted to be like the “reactionary Haile Selassie” on world/African stage in his short life time. Unfortunately, the Ethiopian Diaspora followed him until his death to expose his reactionary brutal deeds. “Reactionary Haile Selassie” was a Star on world stage that attracted millions of all races who admired him for leading his country during Fascist Italy invasion. Here in NY there were two parades attended by more than million each time. Plenty parades throughout the world.

Had the late Meles Zenawi was not blinded by hate for “Amhara” he was in a good position to fight for King Haile Selassie a.k.a Ababa Janhoye Statue to be erected on the newly built AU like he fought for AU to be built in Addis Ababa. The reason he gave why AU should be in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s symbol of independence, is the reason why King Haile Selassie Statue be there in front of newly built AU Addis Ababa, the birth of OAU fifty years ago,

The Ethnic Bantustaization of Ethiopia which has been promoted by the Meles Regime in power has hurt the image of our country. I challenge African countries to accept Haile Selassie as a symbol of Africa by putting his statue at African Union. This has nothing to do with present Ethiopia, it has all to do with Africa’s History of Independence.

Long Live Haile Selassie !!!
Long Live Ethiopia !!!
Long Live African Union !!!

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