Today: February 7, 2025

Abiy Ahmed Breaks His Promise and Forms a New Synod !

February 18, 2023

331080924 680001983879894 9034691436871786820 n 1When his attempt to stage a coup against the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (ETOC) failed, Abiy Ahmed tried to cobble some sort of an agreement with the Holy Synod by accepting the dogmatic, canonical, and administrative unity and integrity of the Church ! The Holy Synod on its part agreed to reinstate the excommunicated three rebel archbishops and to reassign the 23 other monks to other responsibilities ! Hence, although not specifically asserted, the illegally constituted Oromia and Ethnic Synod was tacitly dissolved!

Now Abiy Ahmed has violated the agreement and reverted to his previous position of establishing a” new synod ” by reappointing the same rebel archbishops and monks ! Abiy’s about-turn seems to have been prompted by Shimeles’s more radical stance which less ambiguously advocates a separate Oromia state and therefore a separate synod !

Abiy Ahmed’s plot here seems to be to divide the Holy Synod into at least two sides, moderates, and hardliners ! In their responses to the now accustomed betrayals by Abiy ,Abuna Ermias of the Holy Synod sounded more lenient and accommodative while Abuna Abrham and Abuna Petros have stuck to the sacrosanct and non-negotiable dogmatic and canonical principles of the EOTC !

The power of the Holy Synod lies in the tidal wave of humanity it can mobilize for martyrdom in defence of the EOTC ! Hence the Holy Synod must remain firmly united around Patriarch Abuna Mathias ! Abiy’s sinister strategy this time around is to split the Holy Synod and destroy it ! Abiy may go as far as trying to use blackmail to attain his overarching objective of dismembering Ethiopia by dealing a deadly body blow to the bedrock of the State of Ethiopia, the EOTC !



The Many Faces Of Abiy Ahmed Prime Minister Of Ethiopia And Nobel Peace Laureate


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  1. Abiy Ahemed isn’t a peace broker. He is rather a deceptive, manupulative and a divisive force. He has multiple personalities to which he switches around when he wants to. There was no a single instance where in he lived up to his words. The so called deal between the legitmate and diabollical synod is yet another trick by Abiy Ahemed to buy time till he locks up every active Orthodox Christian.The only apparent solution now seems to get rid of his rule by way of popular revolt like the one staged by Guraghe people .

  2. Meanwhile, I want my dear countrymen/women to shift their attention to what concerns Africa at large. Our brothers and sisters in Madagascar are once again at the crosshairs of a devastating cyclone that will arrive there on February 21, 2023. It is projected to have wind gusting at more than 145 mph at a landfall. I don’t know how people in its path will survive living in makeshift houses. This potent cyclone will wreak havoc in Mauritius before it is heading to Madagascar. Let’s have our dear brothers and sisters in Madagascar in our daily prayers.

  3. I’m not trying to pick a fight with the well read author of this article. But I wish elites like this countryman choose to pause, think and ponder more than once before they write or speak once. In this case I feel like this young PM is getting undeserved bad rap. He is blamed for something he was not the perpetrator of the crisis in the church. But he was the one along with our blessed elders who were able to come up with a solution. Many elites on both sides of the spectrum among us are sadly presupposed about PM Abiy. Criticism is and should always be welcome but he should not be discarded. One group of the elites wants him discarded so there will be a sudden power vacuum with all its chaos so they can just march in to carve out a territory as their personal fiefdom they will call republic this or that. That is called fishing in troubled water. The 2nd group of elites wants him discarded now remiss of the fact it will lead to destructive chaos or they just don’t care. In this case PM Abiy made them eat their crow when the church leaders came out and profusely thanked him for solving their own problem they were not able to solve. We need to grow up!!!

  4. I’m not trying to pick a fight with the well read author of this article. But I wish elites like this countryman choose to pause, think and ponder more than once before they write or speak once. In this case I feel like this young PM is getting undeserved bad rap. He is blamed for something he was not the perpetrator of the crisis in the church. But he was the one along with our blessed elders who were able to come up with a solution. Many elites on both sides of the spectrum among us are sadly presupposed about PM Abiy. Criticism is and should always be welcome but he should not be discarded. One group of the elites wants him discarded so there will be a sudden power vacuum with all its chaos so they can just march in to carve out a territory as their personal fiefdom they will call republic this or that. That is called fishing in troubled water. The 2nd group of elites wants him discarded now remiss of the fact it will lead to destructive chaos or they just don’t care. In this case PM Abiy made them eat their crow when the church leaders came out and profusely thanked him for solving their own problem they were not able to solve. We need to grow up!!!

  5. To ITTU ABA FARDA You are concerned about the Madagascar people but in Ethiopia people are massacred, displaced and their home demolish by Abiy not by Cyclone, why the suffering of Ethiopian people dose not concern you

    • I’m not only concerned about our brothers and sisters in Madagascar but I’m also now concerned about our other brothers and sisters in Mozambique. The same cyclone that will devastate Madagascar will also be heading towards Mozambique after crossing the channel with more than 125mph at a land fall there. Remember these are our African brothers and sisters who are facing a very violent and killer cyclone in which thousands may die. These are my/our flesh and blood kin and kit. Yes I’m worried about them too. Where did I say we shouldn’t care about what has been going on in the old country? You are trying to pick a fight with me which you will never get from me. You are also trying to bully me around in which you will never succeed. You know diddly squat about this beyond-repair Afro/Ethio-centric diehard!!!
      Hap a nap!!!

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