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Egypt and Ethiopia: Abiy Ahmed Announced to Delay the Fourth Filling

July 26, 2023

Beth Daley/ The Conversion

Simegnew Bekele, project manager of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, stands in front of the construction project in Guba, Ethiopia, on November 24 , 2017. Photographer: Gioia Forster/Picture Alliance via Getty Images

Egypt and Ethiopia have waged a diplomatic war of words over Ethiopia’s massive new dam – the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – on the Blue Nile, which started filling up in July 2020. The political row has threatened to get out of hand on occasion but now the two countries have finally agreed to conclude “a mutually acceptable agreement” within four months. We asked John Mukum Mbaku, the author of a recent article on the Ethiopian dam and a co-author of a book on the Nile River’s changing legal regime, to answer four key questions.

What is the context of the current tussle?

Ethiopia, whose highlands provide more than 85% of the water that flows into the Nile, has long argued that it has the right under international law to manage resources within its own borders for its national development. It sees the “Nile as a gift of God” given to Ethiopians to use for their development.

Egypt, which depends on the Nile for more than 90% of its fresh water, has argued that the Ethiopian dam represents a threat to its water security and its very existence as a people.

The decision by Addis Ababa to begin construction of the dam on the Blue Nile in 2011 exacerbated an already deteriorating relationship between Ethiopia and its two downstream neighbours, Egypt and Sudan, over access to Nile waters. After Egypt’s diplomatic efforts failed to stop construction, Cairo redirected its energies to securing a legally binding agreement for filling and operating the dam.

How The Conversation is different: All our authors are experts.

But no mutually acceptable agreement for filling and operating the dam was ever reached.

In August 2020, Addis Ababa began to fill the dam’s reservoir. That process was repeated in 2021 and 2022.

In 2023, Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed announced that the country would delay the fourth filling until September “to alleviate the concerns of neighbouring people”.

The dam’s reservoir filling in particular, and its operation in general, are issues that the three countries must resolve, most likely through a legally binding agreement or treaty.

In February 2022, the Ethiopian dam started producing electricity. Egyptians claimed that Addis Ababa was “violating its obligations under the 2015 Declaration of Principles” and endangering Egyptian “water interests”.

What are the main sticking points going into the talks?

An agreement would have to explicitly deal with issues that are important to Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan. The most important are Egypt’s and Sudan’s historically acquired rights to Nile waters. The rights were granted by the 1929 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty and the 1959 bilateral agreement between Egypt and Sudan (1959 Nile Treaty).

After estimating the average annual flow of the Nile River as measured at Aswan to be 84 billion cubic metres, the two treaties granted 66% of Nile waters to Egypt, 22% to Sudan and 12% to account for seepage and evaporation. These allocations exhausted all the Nile’s average annual flow of water. Egypt was also granted veto power over all construction projects on the Nile and its tributaries.

These rights came to be known as Egypt’s and Sudan’s acquired rights. They have been the main sticking point in efforts to conclude a treaty between all 11 Nile riparian states for the allocation of the waters of the Nile, as well as between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan over the Ethiopian dam.

While Ethiopia and other upstream riparian states see these two treaties as colonial anachronisms that have no relevance to modern Nile governance, Egypt and Sudan insist that they are binding.

What impact would a breakthrough have on other Nile Basin agreements?

The impact will depend on what type of agreement is reached. Assume that both Egypt and Sudan agree to abandon the rights granted by the 1929 and 1959 treaties. They could then enter into negotiation with Ethiopia to produce a new treaty that creates rights for all three states.

Such a treaty could provide the impetus for all 11 Nile Basin states to return to the Cooperative Framework Agreement, which was expected to provide a legal framework for governing the Nile based on equitable and reasonable water use. The framework agreement has been in limbo since Egypt and Sudan rejected it.

The other Nile Basin states see these colonial-era treaties as a violation of international law principles, and a breach of the vision of the Nile Basin Initiative.

What other claims threaten the status quo?

Egypt fears that if Addis Ababa is allowed to fill the reservoir without a legally binding agreement, other Nile Basin states might also take unilateral actions. This could harm Egypt’s water security and ability to control projects on the Nile River and its tributaries.

Then, there is the matter of how to manage issues related to climate change, such as droughts and floods. The existence of the dam means Addis Ababa’s cooperation will be required. In times of drought, for example, the Ethiopian dam will be expected to release some water to help Egypt and Sudan.

Ethiopia’s right to water for agriculture and household consumption is an issue that has not yet been agreed upon by all three countries.

Egypt and Sudan are worried about the harm that could come to them from activities upstream. Egypt remains adamant that the dam will hurt its water supply and threaten domestic development.

But Sudanese officials appear to have changed their assessment of the impact of the dam. They now see it as a potential regulator of seasonal floods and provider of clean energy.

These issues should be examined thoroughly during the negotiations. The three countries should adopt a treaty or agreement that is mutually acceptable and beneficial.

Over the years, the three countries have struggled to bring meaning to terms like “significant harm” and “equitable and reasonable utilisation”. The final treaty should define these terms. It should also create a mediation mechanism, which can include referring certain specified matters to the International Court of Justice for resolution.



  1. Abiy Ahmed was catapulted into power by Egyptian and Western intelligence services. He plays lip-service to defending GERD interests. GERD has been shown not to affect the water volume reaching Egypt or Sudan. It is actually so beneficial to both nations that they should have financed its construction as major stakeholders. They were having big trouble from large deposits of sediment and silt in their dams.
    So. GERD is not a problem. What Egypt and its handlers want is a water agreement that would prevent Ethiopia from construction any other dams or utilizing its water resources for cultivation. There is concerted and sustained effort to prevent Ethiopia from attaining food self-sufficiency. Successive Ethiopian regimes have faced destabilization challenges including up to coup d’états, insurrections and revolutions.
    The question being entertained behind closed doors is not about technicalities and scientifically based water-sharing schemes. Blocking the development and self-sufficiency of Ethiopia and enslaving starving Ethiopians is the goal.

  2. Subject: “Egypt and Ethiopia: Abiy Ahmed Announced to Delay the Fourth Filling”, July 26, 2023

    QUOTE: “What are the main sticking points going into the talks?” UNQUOTE

    Humble Opinion, 26 July 2023
    In my simplicity, the cardinal sticking points on the matter — of yesterday, today and the future — had been, is being, and will be the eternal NEGATIVE RACIAL attitude of Egypt towards Black Africans, in TOTALITY. FULL STOP.

    Dear Readers:

    THE END .

  3. The Conversation? Conversation with who? Conversation with whom? It goes: ‘How The Conversation is different: All our authors are experts.’ Is this a cool-aid commercial? How much was this author paid by el-Sisi to chicken scratch this article? Hey Beth? Have you seen the legal deed of the Blue Nile at it’s source? The name of the owners is right in there with clear and big bold letters. It says ‘The Ethiopian People’. It granted and Issued by Allah. But true to their blessed tradition those generous black folks have been sharing their blessed exclusive property with their neighbors near and afar since antiquities. This dam is almost completed and will be completed to the last scoop of concrete, rain or shine. It will also be filled to the rim without reducing the flow of water all the way to the shores of Alexandria by even a cup. That is all to it!!! Let me put it this way. If el-Sisi wants to act funny with the dam that will be the worst mistake ever made related to a dam on a river. Rivers with a dam on them don’t like to be violently disturbed with all that alluvial muck sitting below their belt. All that sediment will turn into a mountain high alluvial tsunami and the river will start turning back and turn back forever. What the heck, Blue Nile may decide to join his brother Awash that he has seen for millions of years. So yaakhi Sisi! Itaa-adhub’. Start behaving, that is!!!

    At this summer camp it is reported that many leaders of African countries will be present. It includes leaders like el-Sisi. I am sure PM Abiy’s and el-Siri’s paths will cross at the talk shop and at the armament’s bazaar. I hope someone will show el-Sisi the weather radar map of our old country and especially the area around the GERD dam. It is pouring in buckets. Mama Nature is doing what it does best during the months of July. Nobody is manually filling the dam. That job is left to Mother Nature and she is doing a heck of a job at it. Angels are singing in chorus. We love you Mama!!! Okay bigots! The dam is filling. You can go there and take a dip in it but don’t even think about coming up. Stay in there and rot. You are stinking up the neighborhoods both in Oromia and Amhara regions. You are disgusting. You look disgusting. Your writing is disgusting. Your utterance is disgusting. Everything about you is disgusting. We all wish you were not even born!!!

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