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Evangelical Church condemns killing of dozens of its worshipers in East, West Wollega, expresses dismay on government

November 14, 2022
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Gunmen attacked an evangelical church in the East Wollega zone of the Oromia region, killing at least 15 people, according to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY).

what it said was indiscriminate killing by armed group of its members at Muleta Gela congregation, in Galo kebele of East Wollega Zone in Oromia Regional state.

Earlier, the same church has said that more than a dozen members of the church including leaders and servants were also killed by a drone strike in Medni town, West Wollega.

In a statement it issued on Friday 11 November, the church listed the names of 15 victims who were killed in an attack that was carried out on Sunday, 06 November, while members of the church were gathered for prayer. The Church has extended its condolences to the family of the deceased and members of the church.

“The perpetrators are armed people not familiar in the area,” the statement noted.

Furthermore, the church has expressed its dismay on government security forces who it accused of neither preventing the tragedy nor investigating it to bring the culprits to justice.

“It is the duty of the government to shield civilians under any circumstances,” the statement emphasized, “if the government remains silent while civilians are subjected to slaughters, whether it shoulders its responsibility [to protect civilians] is be questionable.” The Church added that the government has not only failed to take actions but also to acknowledge the tragedy itself. The church ascertained from survivors that the attack was not attributed to security-related cases, indicating victims were civilians.

With regard to the victims of the drone strike in Medni town, West Wollega the Church said that was “aware of the fact that around 14 members of the church, leaders and servants…have fallen victim of drone attacks in Mendi town while going back home from service.”

On Wednesday, 9 November at least 20 civilians were killed by drone strike in Mendi town, in Mana Sibu district of West Wellaga Zone, Oromia Region. A week early on 02 November more than 60 people, including a grade 11 student, were killed in the same attack. It was preceded by another drone strike on 23 October that killed at least 68 civilians in Ofu Bekke village of Chobi district in West Showa zone.

The church urged the Ethiopian government to resolve the conflicts in Oromia peacefully.



  1. Who woke this guy/head of church from his deathbed? It is very sad what happened to the faithful. However, it is no less worrisome what happened to this so-called pastors and heads of churches. When close to half a million got displaced with several thousands massacred for no crime other than just being Amhara, the ears of these impostors were deaf. The looting, uprooting and burning down of the homes, farms, properties and even bodies of tens of thousands of people over four years were nothing to make a fuss about for such Pharisees. Shame on you!

  2. Any crime on civillians by armed groups is condemned as per UN declaration of human right of 1948.The statement of the leader of Evangelical church MekaneYesus in principle is his responsibility for his flock and I elaborate the cause and effect of the evil beginning for such attack in relation to the role of the evangelical church past and present leaders.
    The main rebel groups in the disputed area is this time called OLA which is an extension of OLF.OLF Oromo liberation front established by Baro Tumssa who left the Ethiopian oppressed people movement created by Derg the military junta in late 1970s. Baro killed by his own Oromo rebel islamic factions and the movement carried on at Evangelical church Mekane Yesus by his brother Gudina Tumssa who was secretary general of evangelical church who was given warning repeatedly by Derg the military junta to refrain for such politics and even Tanzanian president and Norwegian church delegates negotiated for safe heaven but Gudina rejected and ended at Ras Kassa residence that was jail by the military junta and killed.
    All through the years of his position Gudina recruited the core leaders of OLF like Lencho Leta and Negasso Gudina and sent to Europe for training the late Negasso confessed before he died. The successors of Gudina especially Yadessa Daba and Itefa Gobena did great damage to the church organizing a politically motivated groups by the name of “Oromo language worship request” and the church was in great trouble to the level of some meberes quit the church and Dr Negasso intervened to reconcile.These church politicians delete the mane “MekaneYesus” saying a name by Neftegna that is meaning warlords of Amhara where their Oromo congregations in Europe and USA are called Oromo evangelical , Oromo United church etc avoiding MekaneYesus.The worst is that Yadessa and Itefa requested fund and published a controversial book in the name of history of evangelism that is defaming Amhara ethnic group and the Ethiopian Orthodox church and the infamous Ezekiel Gabissa claim it as his own after translating it in to English.All the hate politics against Amhara and Ethiopia was promoted by Evangelical MekaneYesus Oromo hard liners that resulted in repeated brutal massacre of Amharas and Gurage ethnic people who live for centuries in most parts of Wolega that they boast a region of missionary that proves the reverse, a land of eviction, and murder due to the hate politics to Amahara and Ethiopia as the prominent lawyer Wondimu Ibssa witnessed recently, It is time for Evangelical MekaneYesus members to demand the hardline Oromo leaders refrain from such divisive evil ethnic politics if they remain in the church otherwise leave the church or those honest Ethiopian evangelicals leave the Oromo hardliners and establish an evangelical church free from such destructive ethnic politics.
    It would be great if Evangelical MekaneYesus leader express his concern and share the grief of thoseAmaharas,Gurages and others murdered by the OLF/OLA/OPDO prosperity brutal killers where they accuse each other and pass the blame to their rival prosperity armed group.
    The current Ethiopian regime leaders are part of the OPDO that is an Oromo branch of the former regime TPLF dominated EPRDF this time bearing the name prosperity party.

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