Today: February 7, 2025


December 21, 2014

By a patriotic Ethiopian
In my most recent posting, referring to an article in the Financial Times of December 2, 2014, I wrote about the unusual revelations of the current mafia-like TPLF regime holding power in Ethiopia.  The revelations are related to some of the dreadful situations the Ethiopian people have been going through during the past 23 years under the cruel administration the TPLF mafia.  Prior to coming to the attention of readers of the Financial Times, these criminal acts were described to have been communicated to potential international investors for risk assessment.  Thanks to the Financial Times, skeptics and/or deniers could eventually prove them coming directly from the mouth of the horse itself.
In the document submitted to investors, the regime has unambiguously admitted that during its tenure in power in Ethiopia, it has (1) committed human rights violations, (2) caused escalation of political turmoil, (2) contributed to the widespread prevalence of famine, (3) played a role in the underdevelopment of the country, partly reflected by bottom level index measurements, (4) contributed to greater prevalence of poverty, (5) lead to ever increasing difficulty of using sea outset facilities, (6) caused political and military tensions with neighboring countries, and (7) contributed to the overall flourishing of poor governance across the country and the emergence of many associated problems.
Let alone committing such horrendous criminal acts, with the admission of even lesser offenses against a nation and its people, a regime with some sense of responsibility is normally expected to apologize to the people affected and resign from power as soon as possible.  History provides ample examples of such incidences in different parts of the world and the peaceful transfer of power from abusive regimes to the people when mistakes with potential serious adverse consequences are realized to have been committed.  Accepting conventional wisdom, with admission of the above stated wrong doings by the regime, it naturally appears reasonable to expect voluntary abdication of power in favor of the choice of the Ethiopian people, who have been fighting relentlessly opposing the regime’s numerous criminal deeds.  However, from what has become clearer more recently, the TPLF mafia organization is not ready to change its routines of committing sins against Ethiopia and its people, although it has openly admitted part of them to foreigner benefactors.
After making open admission of its crimes, the regime, being committed to its long-lived routines, has been witnessed taking serious offensive measures against peaceful and lawful demonstrators in Addis Abeba and Bahir Dar, only during the last two weeks.  In the process of its savage action, many demonstrators, including young children and elderly citizens, have been killed, wounded, imprisoned and tortured by armed government police forces.  Other citizens have also been harassed and threatened indiscriminately in order to cast fear upon them, thereby discourage them from participating in future demonstrations and expressing their God-given rights against the regime.  These being the most visible recent events in the country, in the background, the imprisonment, torturing and harassment of dissent journalists and politicians are going on routine basis.  Regime-induced factors that contribute to the prevalence of famine, poverty, underdevelopment and political unrest are also fully functional.  In a nutshell, there is no any shred of detectable change of heart of the regime after its admission of wrong doings.  From mere common sense, one may then ask, why admitting crimes if there is no intention of learning from them and making necessary changes as found appropriate?
These seemingly contradictions of the regime, can, however, be a lesson to others who are not sure of its nature.  The regime is organically evil that cannot be changed by any means explainable by a rational human being.  The crime admission it has made with no consideration of change of heart shows that it is deliberately carrying the crimes and it is also in belief that nothing will happen to stop this.  The regime is made of a group of unusual people with negative and violent experiences during most of their lives, like serial killers who are obsessed of killing people with no good reason.  In addition to the aforementioned crimes, these are the people who have also committed treason against the nation of Ethiopia, forced displacement of poor rural communities and ethnic cleansing, particularly the Amara people, among others.  The only way to stop this evil regime is to destroy it.  If the Ethiopian people are longing for freedom and happiness, they have no choice but to totally replace the regime by a system that they desire.  Short of this, freedom and happiness will only remain elusive.
Long live Ethiopia, the birth place of the human race on Planet Earth.

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