Today: February 6, 2025

Amhara Prosperity Party relieves members for violating financial, asset management regulations

March 4, 2022

273692578 914528229127584 3846536896697971036 nFollowing A letter written by Amhara Prosperity Party (APP) member, Tsega Arage, and addressed to the Prosperity Party (PP) Control and Inspection Commission, APP has today issued a statement announcing its decision to relieve party members that it accused of violating the party’s financial and asset management regulations during loans management.

The six pages letter by Tsega Arage, who is also the commissioner of the Federal Ethics & Anti Corruption Commission, exposed a litany of irregularities of the bylaws within the ruling Prosperity Party, including violations of its financial and asset mismanagement procedures such as the party’s loan mechanisms to party members, and violations of the national electoral laws by failing to convene the general assembly, among others. Tsega also accused the APP leadership of sharing among the leadership party finance amounting to ETB60 million, as well as illegal disbursement of party finance amounting to more than ETB100 million. According to him, this was due to the PP’s Central Committee failure to convene and endorse the party’s annual budget for the current fiscal year.

Amhara Prosperity Party’s office said today that it has been implementing long-term loan system for its leaders and employees by negotiating with financial institutions. However, this practice of the party’s financial and asset management system was violated. It has also been proven that the decision-making and performance of the work is against the rules and procedures of the party, APP said. As a result, the party demanded money taken in the name of loans should be unconditionally repaid with interest, and the leadership and staff who have taken the loans to be relieved of their responsibilities as of today 04 March. However, the party didn’t mention the names of officials to be relieved.

It warned that individuals who do not comply with the procedure will be held accountable under the law, the party said. This vetting and decision-making process is based on the party’s rules and regulations and was approved by the Audit Supervision and Inspection Commission, APP said, adding that the regional coordinating committee has also investigated the matter and made the decision. The details will be made public to all party members and leaders in accordance with party hierarchy and internal procedures, APP said.


1 Comment

  1. Repeat!!!

    Good job! Keep throwing the bums, inept and those with sticky fingers out. They are more than a burden. They are liability. In doing so great care should be taken to avoid innocent officials being lumped together with those that deserve the cleanup. Now y’all be ready to hear some of them arriving here and screaming ‘Abiy brutality’. Then they will start some podcast and YouTube channel and mumble/jumble around. Their conniving craftsmanship had gotten them lucrative positions in the former EPRDF or the reconstructed PP and now as political refugees will do a different lucrative career as pundits and ‘experts’. They know there is a huge market in news hungry and splintered Diaspora. Some of them will turn into the worst bigots that country ever produced and others will deafen their audience with made up ‘leaked’ documents. I get translated scripts of some of what they tell their listeners. They tell those listeners who hail from Gondar region that Abiy is planning to disarm everyone in that region so he can send Oromia Liyu Force and Debre’s forces to rule over them. Their rating will shoot up on YouTube and that means big money, baby! ‘We have a highly confidential document’ they tell their audience. ‘Abiy and Debre are seriously negotiating and that will be the end of Amharas’ they growl! Some others will tell their followers that Abiy and his neftegnas are planning to strip every Oromo his/her human and democratic rights and turn him/her into eternal serfs. ‘To accomplish this’ they blubber, ‘Abiy has given the green light for heavily armed neftegnas to march into Oromia and carry out massacres’. Folks, our hunger for the latest news has created a lucrative market for these connivers and will continue to be so as long as we remain divided on the issues that matter most for the glorious people and country that produced us all.

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