Today: February 5, 2025

The Great Impostor: (PM Abiy?) Excerpts: from my book: What a Life

February 20, 2022

(Chapter 13 pages 543 to 566)
The Great Impostor excerpts.docx PDF

Dawit 1Dawit W Giorgis

When I was a boy, I remember watching a movie titled The Great Imposter. * Back then I took it as a very funny movie. After so many decades I remembered only the title and the fact that it was a comedy so in writing this chapter I looked for it and watched it again and read about the character. It was apparently based on the life of a man called Ferdinand Waldo Demara played by one of my favorite actors, Tony Curtis, who stars in the incredible but true story of the world’s greatest big-time impostor of that era.

He left school in 1935 but lacked the skills that would get him the positions in life that he wanted. He wanted the status that came with being a priest, an academic, or a military officer, but didn’t have the patience to achieve the necessary qualifications. Deception was the answer and he started early. When he was just 16 years old, he ran away from home to join a silent order of Trappist monks, lying about his age to become a member. That didn’t last long. He was forced out of the monastery after two years because his fellow monks felt he lacked the right temperament.

It was then that Demara began to assume different identities, such as a monk (again), a sheriff’s deputy, and notably, a prison warden, usually without the expected credentials. He joined the army in 1941, hated it, ran off and joined the navy where he got some medical training. Using false documents, he tried to become an army officer but was discovered so he went on the run. Next, he awarded himself a PhD under a fake name and taught in college where he befriended a Canadian doctor, Joseph Cyr. Cyr went to New York, and Demara moved to Canada, stealing Cyr’s name. He became a ship’s surgeon for the Canadian military during the Korean War. The exploit he is most known for occurred during the war, when three Koreans were brought on board who needed medical help, and he successfully treated all three—even amputating one man’s leg. And he didn’t have a medical degree! The list of his deceptions goes on and on until he was finally exposed and jailed for his crimes. When he was released, he made some television appearances, but eventually was ordained in the Church and became a counselor in a hospital. 1

What’s interesting is that Demara was not after money, or at least that was not the primary objective. His goal was prestige and status. His biographer Robert Crichton noted: “Since his aim was to do good, anything he did to do it was justified. With Demara the end always justifies the means.”2 Though we know what he did, and his motivations, there is still one big question that has been left unanswered – why did people believe him? According to Robert Crichton,

Demara had an impressive memory, and through his impersonations accumulated a wealth of knowledge on different topics. This coupled with charisma and good instincts, about human nature helped him trick all those around him. Studies of professional criminals often observe that con artists are skilled actors and that a con game is essentially an elaborate performance where only the victim is unaware of what is really going on.3 I mention Demara, because to me his story is the story of Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’ prime minister. Of course the setting is different and there are different motives behind his behavior, but several similarities indicate that Ethiopians and the international community have fallen victim to an elaborate charade created by this man.

Who knows what he is really like? Abiy can look like a compassionate, religious person, but at times he can also be brutal. One thing is becoming clearer as we try to understand him: he is a narcissist, and it is generally narcissists who become impostors. If they get into a leadership role, they believe that they alone know what is best, that everyone should trust them, that they can save the day. When narcissists become impostors, they become complicated people with a constant fear of failing or being exposed. Those fears can drive them to the extreme, leading them to act irrationally, contrary to common sense. They keep on lying, telling contradicting stories about themselves as they try to project a different image.

Ethiopia has seen leaders of all kinds in the past, but they were not con artists. Our leaders, with all their weaknesses and faults, held firmly to the idea of Ethiopian unity and were predictable. History might describe each one of them as kings or emperors but always as leaders with empathy and a full sense of patriotism. Not much is known about this man called Abiy Ahmed who just jumped into the political scene, but we do know that in no more than a year he has acted more and more like a dictator around whom the future of Ethiopia revolves.

In some ways all people have the propensity to become impostors. People’s public and private lives are often different. What we speak and teach in public or from the pulpit may be different from what we are like privately. When out in public, there is always the pressure to suppress our real selves.

But neurotic impostors feel more fraudulent and alone than other people do. Because they view themselves as charlatans, their success is worse than meaningless: It is a burden. In their heart of hearts, these self-doubters believe that others are much smarter and more capable than they are, so any praise impostors earn makes no sense to them. “Bluffing” their way through life (as they see it), they are haunted by the constant fear of exposure. With every success, they think, “I was lucky this time, fooling everyone, but will my luck hold? When will people discover that I’m not up to the job?” 4

It seems to be the way Abiy Ahmed operates, though it’s hard to say what is going on inside his head. While a lot has been said about the manipulations preceding his takeover of the leadership, not much has been told about the person of Abiy Ahmed. In the euphoria that overwhelmed the country, people did not bother to find out who he is and was. What was important then was that the TPLF was being driven out and Abiy Ahmed’s promised changes. But Abiy had been raised and groomed by the TPLF since the age of 15 and was an active participant of the system at various junior and senior levels. That should have been a tipoff to anyone thinking about what the future would hold. However, for the vast majority of Ethiopians common sense was in short supply. His talk about peace, love, unity, forgiveness, and healing the wounds of hate and division enchanted the audience. It was magic. The euphoria showed the level of anguish, pain, and despair of the people who had suffered 27 years of oppression, torture, imprisonment, and rampant corruption. At that moment anybody with that kind of message would have been a popular leader. But this one was eloquent, handsome, charming, and used words that people had yearned and prayed for.


“Machiavelli wrote in detail as to why it is foolish to expect powerful men to be good. He believed countries led by virtuous leaders would be swallowed up by their neighbors or by factions within their borders. “States, [Machiavelli] argued, can lie and cheat and have to if they are to survive. He rejected the heart of classical humanism: Cicero’s claim that if we act from a thirst for virtue (wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, the four cardinal virtues described by Cicero in his Moral Obligation.” 5

Machiavelli’s advice doesn’t work well anymore, not in the long term. The modern answers to the temptations of power do not lie in the persuasiveness of great thinkers but in the reality of our times. Every African leader should ask themselves if they want to go down in history as one of Lord Acton’s corrupt “bad men” or as someone who fought the corruption that is ruining so many countries.


I have no doubt that many politicians will take issue with my strong opinion of the current Ethiopian leadership. They may say that it is no different than other countries in Africa, where most of the leaders are characterised by the desire to achieve and hold power. They are firmly loyal to their own ethnic group, which they imagine to be superior, and they distrust others. Even the best-intentioned leaders who possess all the moral virtues of a saint may at times act contrary to the promises they made to the people they are supposed to serve. But unbridled authority will go beyond that when the leader does not have the best intentions in mind for his people. When a leader is corrupt to a high degree, the people around him also want a share of the big pie and since he cannot stay in power without their loyalty, he allows them to be corrupt as well. Such a situation can lead to what amounts to the capture of the state by these corrupt followers. It becomes a shortcut to wealth. There is nothing much that the leader can do. These are the men and women who cover for him, his “lines of defense,” and the leader will be forced to either protect them or eliminate them.

Perhaps he is not so much an impostor as a sophist, as one commentator recently suggested. 6 The sophists were those men in ancient Greece who were good with words and could twist them whichever way they wanted to win an argument, playing on an audience’s emotion without any concern for the truth. His speech at his ascension to power galvanized almost the entire population, but in later months it became clear that he was adapting different speeches to different audiences. In his acceptance speech he glorified Emperor Menelik and Emperor Haile Selassie and repeated his praise on a few other occasions when addressing the public in Amharic, the official language. But when he addressed his Oromo constituency in Afaan Oromo he depicted these same leaders as enemies and, implicitly, the Amharas as oppressors. Perhaps he thought that in this way he could calm some of the political tensions in the country, but it has backfired, triggering fear of the “other” among Amharas, Tigrayans, and Oromos and elevating tensions to the breaking point. 7

PM Abiy’s most brazen act of deception was when he or his colleagues dreamed up a fake YouTube video with a bogus interviewer posing as a journalist from the Atlantic Magazine. The Prime Minister is very impressive and speaks with his usual eloquence about local and global affairs, but it was discovered that his replies were taken word-for-word from interviews with Henry Kissinger, an article by Russell Brand, and excerpts from the book Soft Power by Joseph Nye which Abiy is reading from a teleprompter! Or something similar.


Trying to answer the question why authoritarian leaders lie, Political Science Professor Xavier Marquez writes: Western political thought has three main arguments about why lying may be useful. First, some kinds of lies can hold political systems together: Myths such as Plato’s “Noble Lie” can cement shared values among citizens. Second, lies can be strategically valuable. This idea is represented by Machiavelli’s argument that princes should lie when necessary to achieve their goals. Finally, lies can cement the loyalty of subordinates.9 ———–

Over time these repeated lies and propaganda create a myth about the leadership like it has in North Korea and surprisingly in the most democratic country in the world, the USA under Trump. But lies will never prevent authoritarianism from collapsing. When the realities on the ground and the myth collide and when the lives of people are getting worse and not better, when even the most opportunistic of the elites cannot take it anymore, the system will fall apart and usually violently as it did in Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan and many other countries. Abiy’s obvious lies and the myth of prosperity that he is trying to create will soon collapse and give rise to chaos. That is beginning now in Ethiopia and the questions that are being asked are where the country is heading and whether there will be civil war( though many believe that there is already a civil war with Oromo extremists trying to exterminate and displace Amharas living in Oromia and the war between government and the rebels in Tigray who have also displaced hundreds of thousands of Amharas from their and are architects of the extermination of Amharas, an ideology embraced by Abiy Ahmed who took it to the extreme level) ) or whether the resilience and the ties that have bound the people for centuries are stronger than the fake narrative sponsored by the political leaders, primarily by the OLF (ODP) that Abiy leads and the TPLF.


No matter how much Abiy and his government try to distract people’s attention and no matter how much they try to destroy evidence, fabricate stories, and imprison or tarnish the images of those who tell the truth through his hired attack dogs, there will still be overwhelming evidence (video, interviews, images, prints, etc) to show the world that genocide and crimes against humanity were and are being committed in Ethiopia under his leadership and with his knowledge. Under an expedient international court with access to all the evidence his actions or inactions will put him and his senior government officials and his ‘republican guards ‘in prison for the rest of their lives if they survive the wrath of the people.

————————————– The End—————————————–


Detailed notes to this Chapter to be found in the book which has in total 861 notes.

  • The Great Impostor, 1961, comedy drama
  • Tim Holmes, How to Become a Great Impostor “The Conversation) Aug 22
  • Ibid
  • Ibid
  • Manfred F.R, kets de Vries , “ The Dangers of Feeling Like a Fake” Harvard business Review Sept 2005
  • Geoff Mulgan, Good and Bad Power: The Ideals and Betrayals of Government (London :Allen Lane, 2006) 147
  • Getu Teressa, “Abiy Ahmed-A philosopher King or a Sophist”: Ethiopia insight, April 5, 2020
  • Ibid
  • Tigray Legend, Twitter Post, “ Abiy Ahmed is a Fraud” August 23, 2018
  • Xavier Marquez, “ This is why Authoritarian Leaders Use the ‘ The Big Lie’ Washington Post, Jan 26, 2021



  1. I only wish Derg Major Dawit NEVER included this section in his autobiography. Dawit was an army major and not one to lecture us on what an impostor or a narcissist is like. Second, he has no credibility whatsoever to tell us about a dictator having been a brutal one himself. Third, the real cause of Major Dawit’s gripe is “ethnic hatred;” Abiy is Oromo, Dawit is Amhara with a feeling of entitlement and superiority. Dawit hated Abiy from the get-go! He sounded surprised that Abiy was not a well know quantity before assuming power. In other words, if Dawit did not know the fellow, somehow there is something wrong with the fellow! What is even more surprising is that Dawit’s group, the Derg, was a secret group that nobody knew about! NOBODY heard of Dawit until summary execution of leaders of the Imperial regime (and later the Emperor) took place. Dawit all the while remained a member of a clandestine organization busy wiping out any opposition! I think Ethiopians who were at the receiving end of brutalities from Dawit’s group should use his “autobio” and relevant documents to level a new lawsuit in Ethiopia and abroad!

    Here is my advise to Dawit: please tell us truthfully (if you can) a) why in the late 1980s you sought asylum in the US and how you ended up working with the CIA b) we need explanation on the thousands murdered during the Red Terror of which you were one of the leaders c) please defend your name why you, as Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, run away with $300,000–money collected in the name of hungry and dying Ethiopians.https://apnews.com/article/e44df34366c26604ed5660cdb1efcfd7 You need to explain, for the record, to generation of Ethiopians who have the right to know their own history! Otherwise, you will be dealt the impostor label and also face justice! Btw, no one is fooled by your pic with Mother Teresa!! It is not only disingenuous of you to use the saintly lady to brush up your ugly past but is in fact evidence of what I stated above.!

    • As far as I know Majo Dawit is the graduate of two highly respected institutions,the Harar military academy and Colombia Universty’s Law school. The rest of accusations can be defended by himself. He used to be commissioner of draught and rehabilitation commission and permanent secretary of the MOFA.
      Major Dawit spent several years in Africa advising governments on behalf of the United Nations. He has big knowledge and experience in international affairs.. He wrote also 2 good books entitled Red Tears and Kihdet be Dem meret.
      About the the other issues he can defend himself.

    • Alem:
      I have dealt with these issues in my first book Red Tears and in several forums. In my recent book I have dealt with them with more information and documented evidence. I don’t expect every body to like me , what I stood for, what I write and speak about. It is, after all, politics. I speak about the truth boldly with no specific agenda except the well being of our country.
      I have tried to explain who I am in the first part of my book. Such insults and abusive words come with the package , unfortunately , when one speaks out on the truth these days, from faceless and nameless people. These are all insignificant issues considering the state of the nation. We should be able to spend more time and energy on the bigger picture rather than on such petty issues that will not contribute in any ways for peace and unity in our country. I am nobody except a man who happened to play a role at critical moments in my country and other African countries in trouble.
      I have served my country with distinctions together with my colleagues and these are documented in books and articles and above all confirmed by people who are still alive.
      For example the UN Assistant Secretary General, Kurt Janson , a Finnish citizen, who was overseeing the famine relief operation wrote in his book “Dawit remains to be the hero of the relief operation. Without him it would have been impossible to achieve the aim of saving millions of people from death by starvation”. Is this not a tribute. And this is only one of several tributes I can show you since you don’t seem to be a well read person. Why do you have a fixation on a false accusation by the government I exposed after I left my country when those who worked with me state the opposite.
      If you really want to discuss with me on the issues you raised and my unique contributions, e mail me or call me and then write your opinion with the full knowledge of my views and opinions on your concerns. But first read what is already explained in my book or books and then talk to me.I am sure you will find my email address.
      It is sad that instead of discussing the substance of my article we are discussing me . A beaten path: during dergue , during Weyane and now under this PM. When there is no answer to the issues I raise in public, people personalize and repeat the issues that have been stated and explained many many times. That is the only weapon they have to silence me. If you are not one of those attack dogs hired by Abiy you will come out and talk to me or we can even appear jointly on the media to close this case. If you are a man of conscience you will be willing to debate these issues with me to clear your conscience and perhaps those like you. Perhaps you know it is not true. You are just doing your job. Then live with it. There will be a time when you will wake up and reconcile with your concience and come to terms with what you have always believed to be true. Mine is just one case. You may be carrying a big burden of similar acts against others. Ethiopia is on fire because of wrong leadership and instead of collaborating with others in exposing what is wrong, you opted to deal with fettish issues in the wrong time in the wrong forum. It does not make you a responsible educated citizen.

      Only on rare moments have I tried to answer to comments. And this is one. Thank you ALEM, ( if that is your name) for instigating me to write this to you and through you to the wider readers.

      • I have to give credit to Major Dawit as the first few people who smelled what is going on in Ethiopia in advance mid 2018 onwards.

        He carefully warned us on number his articles and interviews about failed state and potential risk of civil war well in advance.

        Major Dawit is well equipped with knowledge and experience to inform us about Abiy’s personality and regime.

        For those who accuse Major Dawit as Dergue member, he was not one of the 116 Founding Dergue members when established in 1974. He served the Dergue government with excellence on the post he was given as well capable workaholic and dynamic person.

        His contribution in saving millions of Ethiopians life during 1982/83 biblical famine is monumental and history to judge him.

        Folks read Baelu Girma’s “Oromie” book (he was murdered for writing this book), he express Major Dawit in a character (Solomon) in this book as dynamic, positive, workaholic, smart and capable person.

        Major Dawit served his country as soldier and wounded (bleed for his country) during the Emperor Hailselase I regime.

        He is an intellectual who studied law in prestigious AAU and Columbia University though he never boasted as most fellow do but he always consider himself as soldier of Ethiopia.

        The only thing he is not successful is he is unlucky person to influence or lead Ethiopia despite several years of opposition oppressive regimes.

        Finally I want to thank Major Dawit for all his contribution to our people and country. He still stands as soldier, intellectual and fact teller on his late part of his life. Credit to his life style, he looks young to his age and we are fortunate we will get his guidance, experience and farsightedness we all need to build better our country!

        I ordered his autobiography book from Europe and waiting eagerly to read.

  2. major Dawit Ethiopia really need you thank you for your unbiased insight anyone who is interested please reyot media to understand the reall deal about PP

  3. Sound arguement eventhough little ovetkill and too early on the ‘ imposter ‘ characterization or label. By the way, I concur with queries posed by Alem’s comment in order to come clean. It would nice if the likes of shambel Dwit set the strait of the past Derg involvements.

  4. Sound arguement eventhough it seems little overkill and too early on the ‘ imposter ‘ characterization or label at this point. By the way, I concur with queries posed by Alem’s comment in order to come clean of the past . It would be nice if the likes of shambel Dwit set the strait once and for all involvements with the Derg in the past.

  5. Major Dawit served his country well under King Haile Selassie and the military government . His compassion and hard work made him a living legend. Thank you Major Dawit for serving your country with honesty and dignity. The truth always prevails.

  6. Alem: Why do not you tell us whether the piece written by Major Dawit is true or not rather than trying to character assassinate the writer? What you said about Major Dawit does not make abiy ahmed clean. I and most Ethiopians believe everything Major Dawit said about abiy ahmed is true.

    • Messi, “I and most Ethiopians believe everything Major Dawit said?” You must be out of your mind! I did not say Abiy is clean. (You have to wait until Zehabesha published my response to Major Dawit’s comment above.) “Character assassinate Major Dawit?” Where do you read that?

      • Alem: Thanks for your response. However, it appears you changed the subject of the discussion form the IMPOSTER and FAKE abiy ahmed to Major Dawit. I beleive this is a deliberate tactic to deflect the issue. Let us talk about the subject rasied by Major Dawit, not about Major Dawit.
        Abiy is a fake guy in many ways; some examples are:
        Evidence 1: He is knwon for plagiarism.
        Evidence 2: He always finishes his speeach by aggrandizing Ethiopia, but keeps silent while millions of innocent Ethiopians are slaughered by ethnofascists and his police in Addis are hunting IDPs in Addis in the name of making the city clean.
        Evidence 3: Knowing that millions of Ethiopians lack access to electricity, more than half of our factories are operating at 50% or less of their capacity due to power shortage, and Europe cares the least about importing energy generated from the Abay dam, the IMPOSTER boasts about exporting energy to Europe.

  7. Thank you, Major Dawit for responding to my comments. As you rightly indicated you are a public figure and my attempt is therefore to hold your feet to the fire. I have not used abusive language; I am not nameless; the issue I raised herein is not petty!

    I have read books and articles you published over the years. One theme that stood out for me is that you (and few others) are attempting to revise your past (instead of owning up!). I am not a fan of Abiy Ahmed. But seeing you characterize him as “imposter” “racist” “charlatan”, etc and presenting yourself as arbiter of good behavior and good politics irked me to no end. The way you have argued in the past three or so years sounded like you preferred Tplf to Abiy! I am weighing your words here. You could have asked yourself a simple question, Is it humanly possible to unravel in three years a repressive system that Tplf methodically established over three decades? Asking this could have given you an understanding of the complexities our beloved country is bogged in! Remember also the mess you and your Derg comrades left behind!!!

    Another item that you seemed to have reached for as evidence was testimonies from foreigners or from your fans. That is not how evidence works; not in academia, not in a court of law, not in a world of common sense. You also seemed to generalize without examining the facts. Here is your own statement, “… instead of collaborating with others in exposing what is wrong, you opted to deal with fettish issues in the wrong time in the wrong forum. It does not make you a responsible educated citizen.” This is just bizarre; you are saying this to someone you know next to nothing about! Sir, questioning you is not “wrong,” “fettish,” (sic) or “irresponsible!”

  8. Zehabesha, I appreciate you publish my comments. I trust you understand one of your obligations to the public is to get discussions flowing! I have copies of my several comments (along with the screenshots) that you would not publish.

  9. Like they say, old habits die hard. The Derg is speaking and all of should stand in attention and listen to Major Dawit. It is same ole, same ole. It is like the good old days of the Derg era. Give some one you just don’t like derogatory names and then get rid of him. This is arrogance at its worst. That means he knows better than everyone else.

  10. I think our countryman is being too harsh to PM Abiy. Why? It can be just for personal reasons. May be he has lost someone he knew in this chaotic situation. For many of us it is too easy to criticize/demonize PM Abiy from our safe and comfy homes thousands of miles away here among us. To be in the thick of it and on site where one demon is shooting straight at you from the front and his beasts of burden throwing grenades at you from the rear is a different predicament. One wrong move your lights are out. One disastrous move you can kiss and say goodbye to the old country as we know it. It is not funny.

  11. Major Dawit should be lauded for stating his views about PM Abiy clearly and boldly. But that doesn’t mean he’s right in his wholesale rejection and condemnation of the PM. There are lots of good things the PM has done and of course he at times has faltered. As much as it was difficult to drive the TPLF out of power, the supper difficult work lies in cleaning up the deeply rotted system left behind by the most sinister political force in Ethiopian history. We’re living that moment now, and as a result many are dying, getting uprooted, and displaced. It will take years before Ethiopia clears the most difficult hurdles of ethnic mistrust, divisions, and conflict purposely implanted and nurtured for decades by the TPLF. Unfortunately, the aftereffects of past and current conflicts will linger on with us for at least a decade before we see some normalcy. As an expert in conflict resolution, Major Dawit, should know such transitions are fraught with challenges and take time. Furthermore, introducing genuine democratic governance guided by the rule of law requires institution building, genuine dialogue, and forgiveness. The transition, as we’re bearing witness to, is tough, but PM Abiy, despite the immense odds, has made significant strides in maintaining the unity and territorial integrity of the nation, advancing dialogue and reconciliation, and completing major national projects. That said, PM Abiy should be pressed to, among other things, more forcefully and directly confront extremism and targeted ethnic atrocities, especially in Oromia.

    Major Dawit’s article is infused with the archetypical character that defines all of us Ethiopians – suspicion of people’s intentions, often leading to distrust and machinations to bring the “suspect” down. The article appears more personal and at times contradictory. For example, commenting about PM Abiy in paragraph seven, the author states “Not much is known about this man called Abiy Ahmed who just jumped into the political scene,” and couple paragraphs later he declares that “But Abiy had been raised and groomed by the TPLF since the age of 15 and was an active participant of the system at various junior and senior levels. That should have been a tipoff to anyone thinking about what the future would hold.” Well, Sir, by this standard of yours, does it mean that no one should trust you too because you once served the reprehensible Derg? I think many people appreciate your work in leading Ethiopia’s response to the great famine our country faced in the 80s as Commissioner of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission of Ethiopia. Please give due space to the current generation of Ethiopian leaders to learn from our history (good and bad) and build upon the positive legacies of the past.

  12. Major Dawit himself is a restless idiot who wants everything his way. He is a bastard greedy man. Daiwt is a person good for nothing, who flew all the way to Addis before anybody else in 2018. But, he went back to the US hiding his tails between his legs because he couldn’t get what he wanted. All the fuss and everything this idiot does since then is a direct reaction to what Abiy told him here in Addis in 2018. What is Dawit’s achievement or what did Dawit do to Ethiopia in the last 35 years except fatting his wallet? Look at Colonel Goshu and the late Ambassador Kassa, they lived their entire exile life serving their country. All Dawit did is spread lies, drink whisky and chase ladies much younger than he is. Dawit is a very dirty man who takes out his personal anger on people he disagrees with.

    • Everything Alem said about Dawit is absolutely right. He asked very powerful questions which Dawit dodged using abusive and intimidating tactics. Responding to Alem, Dawit said “These are all insignificant issues considering the state of the nation.” Hello Sir! They are the most significant issues that you HAVE to explain to the Ethiopian people. You are the real impostor and murderer. You courted Abiy and turned against him when he ignored you.

  13. Major Dawit claims Abiye Ahmed is narcissistic, brutal and Machiavellian. If you put all these 3 traits together, it is a definition of a psychopath. And the dear Major it is trying to put across his obnoxious and unprofessional psychoanalysis in a very clever way. If Dawit were to look inwards, I bet he’ll find the mediocre sociopath that he is within himself. He is nothing but a spouter (ቧሬ) of lies.

  14. Daikamil IV

    All We need Peace & Prosphirity our Country But non of us Respect each other .
    Where is Z Faboules Civilization
    i’e We known and femous for ?
    Every Ethiopean brothers/sisters hear blame ,black mail ,disresspect and defame each others .

    Please … Please
    It’s time to heal our Attittide and Come togther to Assist our Historical Nation
    Dear bro and sisters
    don’t wasting ur time on Unnecessary Contrdiction
    Leave Negative thing , Be Obtimist
    Give Credit to those Personality Who did good in past to their Country and We Should also Motivate for those Who allready engage & doing better thing .
    Don’t Forget Appricating the New
    ” Chapter Generations ” and their Efforts making her Great again .

    God bless Ethiopea

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