The Queen of Sheba
According to the European Commission spokeswoman Ana Pisonero-Hernandez, support to Ethiopia will be withheld until five conditions for aid are met. The last of the five conditions warned that “Communication lines and media access to Tigray should be fully re-established.”
At the Second World War, Allied Powers confronted and gravely obliterated Nazi and Fascist Axis Powers headed by Adolf Hitler who fantasized to dominate the world. The war, however, claimed the lives of an estimated 75 million people, including some 20 million in the former Soviet Union alone. The world pays unparallel gratitude and tribute to Allied Powers for their bravery and sacrifices—that may continue for eternity.
Both powers deployed all armaments known to humanity without reservations resulting in a tragedy of biblical proportion. The United States, which was pre-emptively attacked at Pearl Harbor, dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that completely annihilated Japan, one of the Axis countries, which subsequently brought the war to an end.
Following the conclusion of the war, the victorious Allied Powers brought the ring leaders of the vanquished Axis Forces to justice by establishing what is known as the Nuremberg Trial which meted out punishments including death by hanging. They then engineered a Marshal Plan to rehabilitate the countries—of both Axis and Allied Powers—which were devastated by the war.
Except a few fringe entities, the world has overwhelmingly celebrated the winners and applauded the war—and the reconstruction—efforts. The Allied Powers were never a subject of denunciation or censure for the infrastructure demolished or the civilians they targeted, including those killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in their pursuit of the just war.
Fast Forward to 2020
On 3 November 2020, the TPLF Axis Forces attacked the Ethiopian Allied Forces of the Northern Command with a “thunderous” speed. Though the TPLF cabal first accused the Command as triggering the war, one of its top leaders, bombastically but foolishly, admitted it in a televised interview to the contrary. The leader further likened the cowardly assault—while the army was asleep—to similar such acts executed by Israeli special forces.
The cabal’s Axis forces massacred both the army and civilians indiscriminately, including the My-Kadra genocide which mostly targeted the Amharas. The fortunes of the war however quickly shifted as the cabal Axis Forces got routed by Allied Federal forces with a lightning speed. As it was being chased, the cowardly Axis Forces ransacked and destroyed infrastructure—air fields, schools, powerlines, communication towers, storage depos—and looted vehicles, equipment, banks—and gold bars.
The EU Directive
As one of the five conditions to release the suspended funds, the EU directed that “Communication lines and media access to Tigray should be fully re-established”. To be sure, the communication lines and the media were not only destroyed by the TPLF cabal but they were also criminally sabotaged in Mekelle as the CCTV footage of the Ethio Telecom has clearly proven.
The EU’s directive is utterly outrageous, if not truly bizarre and non-sensical, as it intends to penalize the Allied Forces for the acts of the vanquished Axis Forces of the cabal who wickedly dismantled, destroyed and looted infrastructure, equipment and facilities.
Just to be sure, Ethiopia sets its own development priorities in terms of where, how, why and to what extent it builds them within its own territories, without being lectured as to when and who gets electricity, water, roads, in this case, phone and communication services. It is something to help support a development effort of the country, but completely something else to arrogantly prescribe regional locations of service delivery and development in Ethiopia. The ugly head of this brazen colonial act, masquerading as social justice and development partnership, must be decapitated—and promptly.
Pisonero-Hernandez, further reported that the decision “does not affect EU humanitarian programmes on the ground or other development actions.” When a country is emerging out of a war, such a decision is simply strange—even probably unprecedented. One may also wonder if this is not in contradiction with the undue sympathy that the Axis Forces of the cabal continue to enjoy because such a decision seems to lack an understanding that a short Euro in Ethiopia is a short Euro in Tigray.
Oh, by the way, EU may wish to know that there are at least five times more Amharas currently and, at one point, 10 times more Oromos in the same situation as Tigrayans. EU should thus stop shedding crocodile tears on behalf of the cabal, its shenanigans and paid operatives.
In Conclusion
The egregious EU sanctions unjustly punish Ethiopia for waging a just war—a war which not only saved Ethiopia from total disintegration but a potential huge crisis in the Horn of Africa—with implications for Europe—and the world. The ugly face of injustice and double standard could not be starker.
The Ethiopian Diaspora is known to send some 4 billion dollars in remittances. That is comparable to, if not more than, the total development packages that the country receives. To put the amount that the EU withheld in perspective, this would mean a fraction of the remittances which could be effectively bridged by active mobilization of Ethiopians around the world.
The EU may wish to shove its funds—of today and the future—wherever it wants to. Ethiopia will never succumb to a threat when it comes to its sovereignty—and independence. No amount of pressure by EU or its member states or other enablers of the Axis cabal forces would compel it to bow to this blatant injustice.
As Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed recently stated in his speech to parliamentarians, Ethiopia’s development partners should make a clear distinction between hunger—and honor. Ethiopia has, in its history of thousands of years, always chose for the later—not the former.
The Queen of Sheba may be reached at