Today: February 13, 2025

Worldwide Ethiopian Diaspora Open Letter to Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia

March 8, 2023

Global Ethiopian Diaspora Open Letter,

To the Prime Minister of Ethiopia,

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

March 8, 2023,

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Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali,

The Ethiopian Diaspora has supported you and your administration in our hope for a generational transformation in Ethiopia. The Diaspora has also been a critical catalyst in sending much-needed remittance, direct investments, funds to save lives and alleviate the suffering caused by drought and conflict, provision of public health advice, materials during the COVID pandemic, as well as diplomatic and financial support for the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile.

On November 4, 2020, when TPLF launched an attack on the Ethiopian National Defense forces (ENDF) stationed in Tigray and expanded the conflict by invading the Amhara and Afar regions, the country faced an unprecedented diplomatic nightmare. Ethiopia was faced with crippling economic sanctions and immense pressure from the West and the international media. We organized and facilitated advocacy campaigns, provided diplomatic support, and lobbied the United States Congress, the United Nations, and other global bodies. We joined forces with pro-peace pan-African allies and staged massive worldwide protests to say “#NOMORE” and became the voice that Ethiopia was denied on the global stage.

We, the undersigned diaspora organizations globally, are leaders and key contributors who worked day and night on these and other efforts to help our native country in multifarious ways.  While doing so, we gave you the benefit of the doubt focusing on the threat to Ethiopia’s sovereignty and unity despite your party’s controversial legacy of driving ethnic or identity politics. This, unfortunately, made us often look at defending the indefensible. We acted in good faith, guided by your promises and pledges to the Ethiopian people.

Regrettably, our faith in your leadership and hopes for real change have succumbed to broken promises. The fact of the matter, however, is that, unfortunately, the country is in an abysmal situation five years after you accede to power.  We are therefore obliged to write this open letter to you.

The following are some of our concerns and disappointments:

The gross negligence of your administration to redress these problems, and in some cases, support or ignore criminal activities of Federal and Oromia regional government officials, has allowed the culture of impunity to flourish at scale. The responsibility for why and under whose authority such problematic policies have been pursued lies on you — the Prime Minister, the Head of Government, and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

Unless a targeted and decisive corrective action is taken, Ethiopia will be the only country in the world that is directly involved in working against itself and on a path to self-destruction. History will judge our society, your government, and, above all, you personally, on how effectively you handle these crises.

The Ethiopian Diaspora is therefore obliged to be a voice for the voiceless Ethiopian people. Now is your opportunity to demonstrate that you can honor your pledges. Therefore, we request your administration to act with urgency to immediately change this dangerous trajectory and take decisive corrective actions to right the wrongs, protect the citizenry of Ethiopia, and redress grievances.  

At stake is the survival of Ethiopia as a nation. To avoid the trajectory of State collapse, your government must be inclusive of all stakeholders to move Ethiopia out of the dilemma your administration has put her in.

May God bless Ethiopia! And Her people!

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