Today: February 13, 2025

State Terrorism and Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia Must Stop Immediately

August 22, 2023

GlobalAugust 22, 2023
Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE)
Press Release- For Immediate Release

All Lives Have Equal Value!

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians, a non-partisan, not-for-profit, and independent human rights advocacy organization, has been at the forefront of defending the human and civil rights of all Ethiopians for a decade. GARE is shocked by the deliberate, planned, coordinated, systematic, and Ethiopian government- and non-government-led, ethnically motivated killings, incarcerations, and displacement of millions of Amhara throughout Ethiopia and the Amhara region.

GARE condemns these Nazi-like genocidal acts by Abiy Ahmed’s regime. GARE demands an immediate stoppage of the onslaught on Amara as well as the deployment and use by Abiy’s army of tanks, military aircraft, drones, and other heavy weapons in the most populated Amhara cities like Bahir Dar, Bure, Debre Berhan, Debre Tabor, Finote Salam, Gondar, Shoa Robit, and other localities. This week, the Boston Globe acknowledged that Ethiopian airstrikes killed 26 innocent civilians in Finote Salam alone. Local sources tell us that the number of people killed exceeds 70. It is with utter disbelief that GARE points out to the international community that tanks continue to roam menacingly in the cities of Godar and Bahir Dar, shooting randomly at innocent civilians, monasteries, churches, castles, and other edifices. No one really knows the number of civilians wounded or killed. The regime cut off the internet, denying ordinary citizens access to the internet, and barred independent foreign investigative reporters from visiting affected towns and cities.

GARE urges the international community to express outrage, demand Ethiopian government accountability, an instant cessation of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Amhara by the Abiy Ahmed regime, and the immediate withdrawal of government military forces from the Amhara region without preconditions.

GARE urges the international community to urge the Abiy Ahmed regime to address the root causes of Amhara defiance and resistance that have reached a point of no return and, convene a conference under the auspices of the African Union or IGAD. GARE believes that for the conference to succeed, it must involve critical stakeholders in the Amhara community, most notably Fano. GARE genuinely believes that Ethiopia’s survival will depend entirely on Abiy Ahmed’s willingness and readiness to solve the problem through political and peaceful means rather than using military aggression and occupation.


GARE wishes to point out that Amhara is the second-most populated region of Ethiopia, home to an estimated forty million people. Over the past five years, Amhara representatives have supported

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Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE)
PO Box 1836, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
Telephone: (877) 477 2544
Website: www.globalethiopia.org or

Email: info@globalethiopia.org

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