Discover a wealth of information regarding the history and notable historical figures of Ethiopia through a collection of news and articles. Stay updated with the most recent articles and narratives concerning Ethiopia's rich historical tapestry at The Habesha.
Seleshi Tessema 20.10.2020 Ruler Lij Ilyasu’s plans to ensure justice, inclusivity angered nobility, church and colonial powers At a time, when Ethiopian Prime Minister
Oct0ber 16, 2020 Nawaid Anjum Hindustan Times Maaza Mengiste talks about her Booker-nominated novel, The Shadow King, a story about women at the forefront
August 5, 2021 Giovanni Bonello/Times and Malta A frail and melancholic seven-year-old boy was marched through the door of Malta’s leading photographer to have
February 22, 2020 by Tsehafi Taezaz Join the RasTafari Community of South Africa and other associates of the Adwa Movement platform for an unforgettable celebration
Posted on March 20, 2019 by Lemn Sissay In the late 19th century, a young Ethiopian prince named Alemayehu was tragically swept up in the colonial ambitions
An Eye Witness Account by an American Author/Journalist. By Kidane Alemayehu and Konjit Meshesha JANUARY 21, 2018 “They (two British soldiers) observed a man
World’s first illustrated Christian Bible discovered at Ethiopian monastery The world’s earliest illustrated Christian book has been saved by a British charity which located
by Alem Mamo (Australopithecus afarensis) Clarion Call for Peace and Reconciliation with Each Other and with the Natural World “What strikes one most forcefully is