Today: February 13, 2025

Designate the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) as a Terrorist Organization

Concerened ethiopianA Global Call for the AU, Canada, US and EU to label Africa’s Monstrous Terrorist Group, Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) as a Terrorist Organization.

In 2018, Tigray People’s Liberation Front’s (TPLF) repressive rule and its political domination of Ethiopia ended, and Prime Minister Abiy came to power. PM Abiy was seen as an inspirational and transcendent leader. There was hope that PM Abiy would be successful in implementing democratic reforms and eliminate – once and for all – the need for armed resistance as a means of asserting individual rights and political aspirations. Unfortunately, what transpired in the last five years is the opposite of that hope. With several violent fighting; ethnic conflicts in many regional states; TPLF starting an armed insurrection in Northern Ethiopia; armed guerilla type fighting in Oromia by the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and neighboring regional states, Ethiopia’s internal security keeps on deteriorating. The following is a list of major violent events that have resulted in the destruction of property, displacement of people, injury, and deaths since April 2018.

Read the Press Release in PDF –  Designate-OLA-As-A-Terrorist-Organization-01-31-2023


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