Today: March 9, 2025


The Habesha is dedicated to serving as a reliable source of precise, impartial, and insightful news and analysis. Our foremost objective is to foster national democracy, protect human rights, and uphold the principles of unity, social justice, and democratic governance. By adhering to these fundamental values, we endeavor to equip our audience with comprehensive information that empowers them to make informed choices and encourages active participation in civic matters.

Our platform was initially launched in 2005 under the name mender.com. In 2009, we undertook a major rebranding effort, transitioning to zehabesha.com, which marked a pivotal shift in the focus of our services. As we continued to evolve, we embraced another significant change in 2022 by rebranding to thehabesha.com. This progression underscores our dedication to improving and refining our digital identity. Each rebranding has been a strategic decision aimed at better aligning our brand with the values and aspirations of our audience. We remain committed to delivering high-quality content and services that truly resonate with our community.

In alignment with these objectives, we seek to enrich the discourse surrounding democracy and human rights within our community. Our commitment to these ideals not only influences our reporting but also promotes a deeper understanding and engagement among our audience, ultimately contributing to a more informed and participatory citizenry.

The Habesha provides a diverse array of content, concentrating on news, politics, culture, and entertainment pertinent to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Our mission is to ensure that our audience remains well-informed about current events, political changes, and social issues affecting Ethiopia, while also highlighting various forms of content, including music, celebrity news, and videos. Originally established in 2005 as Mender.com, we rebranded in 2008 to thehabesha.com to more accurately reflect our mission and audience.

Democracy building in Ethiopia

We often heard the word Democracy, and in simple terms, it’s a political scenario in which an average person has the right to question for his basic need to the government entity, or you can say Democracy gives the freedom of speech that other system can’t give to a person. If we talk about the secular system in the whole world, some countries have Democracy, and their nationals live a better life compared to the countries where dictatorship took place.

Most of the African countries that are under-develop or developing are suffering from the dictatorship system, but thankfully, some are slow but steady on development. The revolution came in Africa in 2015, and its remember as the title African Year of Human Rights. The governments particularly give the basic rights to females where they are unable to get it.

It keeps on being an issue for the region in the coming fifty years. According to the Agenda 2063 is to see an Africa of good administration, majority rule government, and regard for basic freedoms, equity, and the standard of law. Africa will have an all-inclusive culture of good administration, popularity based qualities, sex correspondence, regard for common freedoms, equity, and the standard of law.

Here we must add Ethiopia appear as fast establishments in human rights. The current system of Human Rights in the zone would take Ethiopia’s assistance with receiving surveys and arbitrations in the years to come. It is a short go since popular government ideas, common freedoms, and fair establishments become a rising talk in Ethiopia. Due to the past systems’ undemocratic idea, the individuals of Ethiopia had been denied to sustain popularity-based qualities and exercise their essential rights. To understand it, let’s discuss it more.

As a fundamental aspect of the advanced world with both great and terrible history, Ethiopia and Ethiopians have an awesome motivation to be worried about the country’s Democracy building. Even though Ethiopia has an extraordinary record of shielding its political domain from outer intrusions, the country building and democratization measure has been suspended for a long time. Ethiopian citizenship character is one of the most seasoned; however, the least created personalities. There is a chain of importance of being an “Ethiopian” in light of geographic cause, skin shading, and physical appearance. There are no establishments that speak to the decent variety and excellence of the Ethiopian public. By and large, Ethiopians need a mind of direction, mutual predetermination, and the aggregate creative mind of having a place.

The challenges:

Ethiopia has agitated and exceptionally uncertain demonstrable heritages. In its present shape, the nation is the consequence of the expansionist war of the nineteenth century. The expansionist war left numerous countries and identities in the south with unhealed injuries. Today, those injuries are being invigorated and used to isolate the nation. The division has been a wellspring of homegrown pressure, which is subverting an exertion of making normal nationhood.

Ethiopia is a long way behind on these respects and needs to make organizations that would help accomplish building a law based and practical country. Even though endeavors are set up throughout the most recent couple of months, it is a long way behind what is required. Supporting building foundations of vote based system and democratizing existing government establishments ought to be the task and schoolwork everything being equal.

The Leadership challenges

Most importantly, Ethiopia confronted the disappointment of administration since its beginning. Authority incorporates the individual characteristics of trustworthiness, genuineness, responsibility, and skill of individual pioneers just as the aggregate attributes of regular vision, center, and want for improvement of the elites all in all. There is no uncertainty that initiative is a basic figure in both country building and democratization measures.

Moreover, Ethiopians have been dreaming to have a pioneer who leads by maintaining and regarding the standard of law, who have a feeling of tomorrow for the nation more than their own private ledgers. Especially in the course of the most recent twenty years, they have been longing for a pioneer who makes agreement on verifiable issues, brings together and drives them for a superior future.

Human Rights in Ethiopia

What human rights basically are? Human rights are the norms and moral principles and standard of living, plus the liberty of having an opinion and to share it with others. Human rights are the basic rights of an individual, which must be given to everyone. When we talk about human rights in Ethiopia, we came across a number of worse factors which are against the basic rights of human. Ethiopia is always known as a poor country having shortage of finances, poor economy and no food, due to which people ultimately dies there. Poor governance, unequal distribution of resources have provided a big loss to the economy of the state, and the bad thing is that it is the country of Africa, which is never been colonialized. All these factors led to minor and major crimes by the local to just to have money to eat and survive. No right of expressing opinions is given to the people. Worse torture is done to the innocent people. Few factors which led the destruction of human rights are as follows:

Previous Poor Governance:

The current ruling party of Ethiopia is winning the elections since 1991, the name of this party is Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). They have their complete hold and influence in the state they often won by having 100% votes in the early 2015 and by the ratio of 99.6% in the early 2010. This political party is not taking as such good steps for the people. But now the new prime minister have took good steps, he have allowed the opposition politicians to come back to the state, allowed the peaceful rally’s, allowed to resume political activities, have took steps to allow people to form new political parties and media centers and he have struggled to get many politicians out of the jail. But on the other hand within the state there are plenty of issues people are killed by officials, some people kills other people on the basis of ethnicity, worse type of child labor is conducted and sexual abuse is common, there is still a lot of fear in the state.

Media Issues:

According to a study Ethiopia has the worst jails for journalists. Government in the previous years have spread a fear amongst the people that no one has to opportunity to express their verdict about government and political performance. As the government knew that if they speak up then they will lose votes in the future, so they just pull them down and not allowed the journalists to publish their opinions about the political part. There is only one newspaper which is allowed to discuss on the politics, the rest 7 privately owned just stay away from covering such topics because of fear. Television and radio are also under the monopoly of the government. Only one FM station is independent, on the other hand other 6 covers the news which government wants them to do. Same is the case with television, state have only one television station, the rest 10 are the international ones broadcasted through satellites. In short there are a lot of restrictions on the press.

Worse Jails and Injustice:

Political opposition leaders and journalists were not given the opportunity to have freedom of speech. If someone tries to print or podcast anything against the government, the governmental forces simply picks them up and put them in the jail, which have worse lockers in which a person could not even move. They are allowed to use the washroom only once in 24 hours. They are beaten badly for no reasons. The innocent journalists and opposition leaders who tries to speak up for people are put behind the bars and they make them lie on stones and put human wastes on their bodies. The judiciary system is the tool used by the government to silence dissent. Most cases are brought to the end result of long term prison and sentences. A huge number of terrorism cases are under federal law, but no one focuses on them as they are busy on arresting innocent people who speaks up for the betterment of nation and the bad governance system.

We can have good hopes for future as the current prime minister is taking some steps for productive outcomes and to confirm peace in the country. They are working to make the relations better between the security forces and the normal people, which will surely proves to be fruitful in the long run.

Upon assuming office, the current Prime Minister of Ethiopia brought about a sense of optimism for a brighter future through the implementation of policies aimed at fostering progress and prosperity. However, over time, he underwent a significant change from a leader committed to peace and economic development to a tyrant who oppressed the very people he was supposed to serve. This transformation became evident through his imprisonment of journalists and political activists, demonstrating a complete disregard for the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. In his relentless pursuit of power, he showed no hesitation in sacrificing the well-being of his once trusted friends and colleagues. As a result, he has now taken on the role of the third dictator in Ethiopia’s history.

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