Today: March 13, 2025

Open Letter to Eskinder Nega – FANO Supporters in Europe

August 24, 2024

Europe FANNO supporters
August 2024


Dear Eskinder, 

It has been weeks since we learned of the split within FANNO, and like many supporters both within and outside the country, we are deeply concerned. (And by the way, we do hope you will pronounce ፋኖ  as “FANNO” and not “Fano,” as you persistently keep saying.) 

What caused the split? Is it about: 

  • Fundamental disagreements over FANNO’s strategic goals? 
  • Whether or not to negotiate with the Prosperity Party (PP)? 
  • How and when should alliances be forged with other resistance groups—armed or otherwise—against the PP? 
  • How to assess the regional and international geopolitical developments and their impact on FANNO? 
  • Or is it merely a clash of egos and personalities? 

We don’t know for sure. However, we recall that you once explained your stance on the role of FANNO, but that explanation seemed disconnected from the realities of today’s Amhara FANNO fighters—their demographic makeup, their socioeconomic conditions, and the nature of the war they are forced to wage.  

FANNO is more than a military organization —it is a resistance movement. It consists of a self-selected group compelled to defend a community targeted for genocidal extermination. From a moral and ethical standpoint, FANNO’s mission is legitimate. But ultimately, it is the people who will endorse it when the conditions allow. If anyone believes they are indispensable and can alone determine the fate of over 40 million Amhara, they are mistaken. They are no better than the tyrants we oppose. This holds true for all FANNO leaders. 

Leadership is about humility, wisdom, collaboration, and sincere division of labor—not about personal ambition or the consolidation of power. FANNO is in its first stage of securing its existence and it should not be confused with the long-term process of nation-building, but if you cannot envisage FANNO eventually transforming itself into a pan-Amhara political organization aspiring for political power, you are mistaken again. 

You have argued that once FANNO successfully counters the genocidal war waged by Abiy’s regime, it should disband, much like the FANNO of previous generations. This is a troubling stance. Are you condemning FANNO to the same fate as our forefathers—Arbegnoch, ኣርበኞችwho, after their heroic resistance against Fascist Italy, were abandoned and forgotten by Haile Selassie? The injustice suffered by these national heroes was powerfully captured in Yoftahie Negussie’s line: 

ኢትዮጵያ አገሬ ሞኝ ነሽ ተላላ፤
የሞተልሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ በላ”! 

Reviving such resentful practices—sidelining and demeaning national heroes who kept the flame of resistance and freedom burning —is the last thing we expected from you. 

You have advocated for a peaceful, non-violent struggle, but now you seem to be pushing to sideline FANNO in future political negotiations and take over once the way to power is paved by their sacrifice. Of all people, you should understand that FANNO fighters have sacrificed their lives and endured immense suffering to ensure the inalienable rights of the Amhara. These rights must be enshrined in the constitution and national laws. You may be committed to opposing tyranny and standing for human rights, but that does not make you a political leader with the capacity to lead a nation.  

While we are proud of FANNO’s military victories, we are equally dismayed by the disorganization, factionalism, and damaging social media noise of self-proclaimed FANNO spokespeople. We must do better, and we can—through collaboration and unity of purpose. 

The recent split and defections within FANNO are disheartening. We are conceding defeat before we’ve even begun a full-scale, effective war. What a shame! When we first heard of the split between you and Zemene, we hoped it was enemy disinformation, but Zemene promptly confirmed it on social media. Though details are scarce, there are allegations that your ambition to gain full control over FANNO and your alleged negotiations with the regime, may have sparked the division. We cannot say whether this is true, partially true, or false, but this vacuum will be filled with speculation, true or not, and above all disinformation by the enemy.  

Your silence is not helping; it deepens the fissure, your reluctance to speak is deepening the rift. If your intent was to avoid airing dirty laundry in public, it’s too late—the genie is out of the bottle. 

The recent defection of FANNO leaders has been attributed to this split, and the inability to manage these differences is severely damaging FANNO. It demoralizes supporters and emboldens the enemies. 
The story of the split betrays the Amhara population, exposing them unprotected and vulnerable. Is the ego of contestants so strong you cannot see this calamity and step aside? 


It’s time for you to address your faulty position. FANNO is capable of fighting for Amhara freedom and Ethiopian sovereignty. Its members come from all walks of life, every conceivable profession —agriculture, economics, military, engineering, medicine and governance. FANNO is not just a fighting force; it is a representation of the Amhara people’s will to survive and thrive. 

Now, more than ever, we need unity, not division. 


FANNO supporters



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