By Dawie Tola

The challenges women and girls have been facing and, in some cases, continue to face within the patrilocal society of Ethiopia are well known. Issues such as abduction, early marriage, dowry, wife inheritance, genital mutilation, sexual assault, and harassment are the common forms of abuse and neglect that have inspired action to mitigate them. A major milestone in the effort to address these issues has been the inclusion of women’s rights in the 1995 constitution, which tackled some of the well-known issues mentioned above. The Constitution states:
“Men and women, without any distinction as to race, nation, nationality, or religion, who have attained marriageable age as defined by law, have the right to marry and found a family. In terms of marriage, they have equal rights while entering, during, and at the time of divorce. Laws shall be enacted to ensure the protection of the rights and interests of children at the time of divorce. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The State shall enforce the right of women to eliminate the influences of harmful customs. Laws, customs, and practices that oppress or cause bodily or mental harm to women are prohibited. Women have equal rights with men in marriage as prescribed by this Constitution’‘(Ethiopian Constitution 1995).
While there is still very far to go, and the pace of change is slow, the longstanding issues women face in our society are increasingly acknowledged and understood. Women’s representation in influential positions and increased educational opportunities for both men and women are some of the factors driving this change. Additionally, some NGOs have assisted in the implementation of these rights. Organizations such as Hundee Oromo Grassroots Development Association, and the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association have led many efforts to disseminate the ideals in the constitution and bring them to life across the country. Hundee’s strategy to implement these basic rights of women in remote areas was to educate the village leaders such as Aba Gadas on harmful traditional practices and have them disseminate and implement that on a wider scale. Similarly, the Ethiopian Women’s Lawyers Association provided pro bono legal services for sexual assault survivors as well as education and support for at-risk women and girls.
However, there is a new frontier in the fight for women’s rights and privileges in our country that is not getting the attention it deserves. New digital forms of coercion and abuse are affecting an increasing number of women and girls across the country today with little attention being given to it. It is known that the rise of social media and other technology adoption is far outstripping the understanding of its negative side effects in our society but it is also creating a dangerous and toxic mix for women. Women are currently the overwhelming victims in cases of cyberstalking, nonconsensual image sharing, scams, and human trafficking.
Given the historical challenges mentioned above that still haunt us today, and the slow pace of change, we risk undoing what little progress has been made. The digital world is uncharted territory for Ethiopian law. It is a matter of urgency that needs to be studied and addressed with a national legal and regulatory framework. Laws and regulations for the digital space would go a long way in protecting women against these terrible experiences, they would also create a safer and more positive experience for everyone.
Cyber Crimes
Social media is part of the digital world that lets us connect with people around the world. On social media one can get the news, buy products, share images, and talk to anyone in the world. It has also created new challenges for women to navigate through with cyberstalking, scamming and human trafficking being widespread on these platforms. The detachment and protection a screen provides make it easier for a perpetrator to carry out a crime without fear of accountability or remorse.
…there is a new frontier in the fight for women’s rights and privileges in our country that is not getting the attention it deserves
Women who use social media are almost de facto victims of bullying and stalking, which is much easier due to the internet making women very accessible to perpetrators. In many cases, cyberstalking often leads to actual stalking with what started behind the screen leading to an actual physical threat to women. Women do not have a support structure network and know how to deal with or get help in these situations. The lack of protection for these advanced crimes usually corners the individual disrupting their lives or in some worst cases threatening their life.
Scammers and human traffickers are the other major threats in countries such as Ethiopia. They prey on women with impunity relying on the lack of awareness and regulation. Young women who are seeking a better future are easy targets for scammers and human traffickers. Especially women in remote areas who are more desperate to improve their future through jobs in the city or educational opportunities can be easily convinced to share private information or get human trafficked. Once under the control of traffickers, women face untold abuses. Powerless and without a support network in a new place they are bound and under the complete control of criminals.
The internet is a place for all age groups making young children, teenagers, young adults, and even old women vulnerable to cyberattacks. It demands urgent attention to protect women and by extension the entire society from these emerging issues.
Domestic Violence, Victim Blaming, and Nonconsensual image sharing.
Victim Blaming has been an issue women have faced in almost all societies throughout history. In patriarchal societies like ours, it is a major hindrance from justice being carried out when crimes against women are committed. Suggestive questions or statements like (what were you wearing? Were you drinking? Why were you out that late? etc.) suggest that the crime was avoidable or that the woman was inviting the crime.
Individuals rarely believe a crime can happen within a relationship or marriage viewing it as an internal problem, a fight or tiff between individuals
This widespread, often unconscious practice of victim blaming creates an atmosphere that re-traumatizes the victim and narrows the possibility of healing from abuse and assault. This normalization often also means gender-based violence goes unreported. The effects are widespread in all gender relations and even more acute in our understanding of domestic violence. Domestic violence is commonly understood as a crime (rape, physical assault, and verbal abuse) committed within a relationship(dating, girlfriend/boyfriend, and marriage). It is the most prevalent form of gender-based violence while having the lowest report rate.
Domestic violence is condoned in most communities in Ethiopia, it’s rarely considered a form of violence. Individuals rarely believe a crime can happen within a relationship or marriage viewing it as an internal problem, a fight or tiff between individuals. The community judges the man and woman for not being stable or for flaws and traits they see as causing the disturbance between the couple. But the responsibility for the abuse the woman is receiving often falls back on her with thoughts such as “she must have done something” or “she should just have kept quiet”. This propagates self-blaming, feelings of shame, and fear of speaking out, often trapping the woman in an abusive relationship.
Technology and smartphones have created a new means of control and blackmailing against women through non-consensual image sharing. Some women when in relationships often share private images or videos with their significant other. In other cases, they are pressured to do so while sometimes images and videos could be taken in compromising situations without their consent or knowledge. During or after a relationship those images are used to threaten and harm their partner for various reasons (fear of breaking up, jealousy, embarrassment, revenge, etc.).
The fear of having something personal and embarrassing or even taboo released on the internet for all to see is usually enough for women to stay or submit to the demands of their abuser. The backlash they expect to receive from the community combined with the extreme distress and betrayal have caused many to commit suicide in our country. It is for this reason that the United States enacted Coco’s law in 2020 making it illegal to share images or videos without consent. Depending on your intent in sharing the images, you can face a maximum prison sentence of up to seven years. The Ethiopian government should also create a similar legal framework in accordance with the constitution to protect women and discourage this terrible practice.
It is crucial for policy and governance mechanisms to keep pace with society’s advancement. The dangers of the digital world need to be assessed thoroughly and strategies shaped for implementation accordingly. The absence of any policy directive, law, or regulation creates a limitation for the creation or strengthening of institutions. The creation of laws and policies would serve as a foundation that helps navigate the digital space and serve as a blueprint for women’s institutions to fight against these issues.
A Panel of law experts, academics, and women need to come together to analyze and design an effective framework. The reform or development of regulation will portray that the government not only acknowledges the dangers of the internet but is actively working to create a harmonious society. Another approach that works congruently with creating a legal framework is to undertake mass education campaigns targeted towards women. We have seen such campaigns before for promoting safe driving and HIV AIDS awareness. The same digital tools used to victimize women can be utilized to combat these negative phenomena by spreading helpful information online and through text messages.
Several approaches can be used such as airing awareness commercials surrounding cyber crimes via TV, radio, and social media. The Ministry of Women can create modules and light training materials that urge caution when using the internet and distribute it remotely. It can create content about how to identify basic scams and human traffickers. Instructions could be developed with consultations from experts on how to get help, or what to do if one is being stalked or bullied online. It can create an online platform where victims can exchange their experiences and give voice to the voiceless. As a long-term strategy, ethics and safety when online could be incorporated in high school level curricula whether as social studies or civic courses for students. The issue demands attention sooner rather than later.
Dawie Tola is a graduate of Virginia Tech University with BS in political science with a concentration in legal studies. She previously used to do scholar activism concentrating on the issue of homelessness and mass incarceration in the US. She can be reached at
Ways to go our daughter/sister Dawie bint Tola!!! Tell’em patriot, tell’em!!! It is my hope and wish that some day our women like you will get and stand together as a political force and grab away the mantle of running that gem of the colored from despotic hands of us men in a peaceful contest. There is no doubt about us men that we have gone irredeemable arrogant in our way of governing that blessed country for simple reason that we have monopolized it since the beginning of time. We have stopped listening to reasons. We make wars in which millions of sons and daughters of our women perished in senseless killings and destructions. We get high from starting bloody conflicts for no excusable reasons. And when the war is over we go through spats of telling lies to justify the unjustified bloody conflicts. Just look at the recent conflict that had engulfed the northern part of that country. Almost a million young people lost their lives and millions are still displaced. What did the people of Tigray gain from the war? Mothers there are now left to wail everyday for sons and daughter that never made it back home and to their motherly waiting arms. Many of their war surviving children are now back home with parts of their limbs gone and emotionally scarred for life. Millions are still homeless bound to die of hunger and unbearable destitution. That is what senseless and stupid war had brought them. There are similar situations both in Amhara and Afar regions. Men have now turned their destructive attention to Oromia. There they are having fits to trigger another all out war and destruction in that vast territory. Amharas are being murdered and chased away just because they are Amharas. Oromos who have the courage and decency to protect their Amhara neighbors are being butchered in the most savage ways imaginable only in demons’ minds. I can tell you this that there are no devils left in hell and they are now in Oromia and Amhara regions in bodies and souls of the blood craving vagabonds. That is what we men love to bring to the citizens of that idol of the colored race. Some of us men here among our Diaspora have been urging and nudging the youth of that country to take to the bushes for more destructive and deadly conflicts from our comfy homes. It has been an easy catch for them because that country still has a huge canon fodder inventory of unemployed youth. These smart aleck war mongering college professors and PhD’s know that very well. If it were our women they will never start senseless and stupid wars just to send their sons and daughters to their demise. This cycle of violence that has been bedeviling that country since 1974 will not go away unless the change of guards takes place at the palace with all our naturally gifted diplomat women. We men seem to realize that and are doing everything we can to keep our women away from politics. Just look at the political parties both the regime and all in the opposition. Just take a look at every one of them and you will find all of their leaderships made of 99.9% men. They may have one or two women just to show a different face. I have asked everyone to show me a single political party dominated by women. You see, that is happening in a country where more than 50% of the population are women. As I have said before if I have my ways I would outlaw men from politics for the next 100 years and let our naturally capable women run the affairs of that glorious country. We the men should be told to go back in line for the next century. Out of my sight, warmongers!!!!
Dear Dawie, I wish you all the best and blessings to you and your family. Keep plugging away!!!