Via: National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan
From: Mesfin Mekonen and 10 concern Ethiopian/American civic organizations
Re: Averting civil war in Ethiopia

Mr. President, I am writing as a longtime representative of the Ethiopian-American community to alert you to the imminent danger of a civil war in Ethiopia. I often corresponded with your staff when you served as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Tensions between the central government and the Amhara people have boiled over and have already resulted in armed conflict. If it is not stopped soon, the violence will grow into a civil war that will destabilize Ethiopia and spread to the entire Horn of Africa. The U.S. has a moral obligation to avert the war and protect human rights.
The U.S. must step in rapidly to facilitate a transition to a legitimate government and advocate for a process that will lead to a new constitution for Ethiopia. The conflict between the Amhara and the central government originates in the divide-and-rule and ethnic federalism created by the TPLF government and retained by the government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali.
The ethnic federalism imposed by the Abiy government is putting the country on a rapid downward spiral into violence that could soon spin out of control. The Oromo Liberation Army, along with the regional government in Ethiopia’s Wollega region, have massacred Amhara people and displaced over two million Amharas.
We, the Ethiopian-American civic organizations, ask the United States to help avert the civil war in Ethiopia before it is too late.
Ethiopian-Americans met on November 6 in the U.S. Senate Russell building, Kennedy Caucus Historic Room for the Ethiopia Constitutional Conference of the Diaspora, organized by ten concerned civic organizations:
- Ethiopiawinet
- Ethiopian American Civic Council (EACC)
- Ethiopian Survival Salvation Association (ESSA)
- Unity for Ethiopia
- Ethiopian Advocacy Network (EAN)
- Horn of Africa Peace Development Center (HAPDC)
- Ethiopian American Community (EAC)
- Ethiopian Dialogue Forum (EDF)
- Global Amhara Coalition (GAC)
- Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE)
QUOTE: “Tensions between the central government and the Amhara people have boiled over and have already resulted in armed conflict. If it is not stopped soon, the violence will grow into a civil war that will destabilize Ethiopia and spread to the entire Horn of Africa. The U.S. has a moral obligation to avert the war and protect human rights” .UNQUOTE
Humble Reaction, 14 Nov 2023
Subject: “Tensions between the central government and the Amhara people”.
a). Does it mean USA. will always have “moral obligation” to interfere in the internal local
affairs of Ethiopia?
b). How about, for example, in the case of the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray ?
c). And in broad perspective, what will happen when ANY Ethiopian entity comes up
with similar inherent problem against the central government?
d). In all curiosity, and in general, will the USA involve itself again in the internal affairs
(e.g. problem) of the other provinces of Ethiopia.
e). Where does the involvement of the Good Old USA in the internal affairs of others
f). Or, what makes Ethiopia SPECIAL for the USA to interfer on the affairs of an
independent Black African >>> ETHIOPIA.
g). In my opinion, it is prudent to think about the matter at hand, for the benefit of all
before indulging into “AZEQT” >>>> [meaningful Amharic word )
————-THE END ——————
Are you sure about this allegation? ‘The ethnic federalism imposed by the Abiy government’? I wish letters like this addressed to world leaders and organizations are vetted(proof-read) thoroughly by more than one person before they are mailed or posted, someone should have asked the question and answer the question correctly before it is signed, sealed and delivered. When was ethnic based federalism imposed on that country without a mandate by the citizens to do that? Was it in 2018 or during 1991 culminating in the 1995 constitution? Such letters should be loaded with proven facts not because someone is overtaken by raw emotion.
QUOTE: “Tensions between the central government and the Amhara people have boiled over and have already resulted in armed conflict. If it is not stopped soon, the violence will grow into a civil war that will destabilize Ethiopia and spread to the entire Horn of Africa. The U.S. has a moral obligation to avert the war and protect human rights” .UNQUOTE
Humble Reaction, 14 Nov 2023
Subject: “Tensions between the central government and the Amhara people”.
a). Does it mean USA. will always have “moral obligation” to interfere in the internal local
affairs of Ethiopia?
b). How about, for example, in the case of the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray ?
c). And in broad perspective, what will happen when ANY Ethiopian entity comes up
with similar inherent problem against the central government?
d). In all curiosity, and in general, will the USA involve itself again in the internal affairs
(e.g. problem) of the other provinces of Ethiopia.
e). Where does the involvement of the Good Old USA in the internal affairs of others
f). Or, what makes Ethiopia SPECIAL for the USA to interfere on the affairs of an
independent Black African >>> ETHIOPIA.
g). In my opinion, it is prudent to think about the matter at hand, for the benefit of all
before indulging into “AZEQT” >>>> [meaningful Amharic word )
————-THE END ——————
This is just in hot off the press! Addis/Finfine is finally taken.
Who took it, Ittu?
They took it!
They did!
Who are they? Ittu, please don’t keep us in suspense. Please tell us!
Jal and his bullet proof soldiers came on the west side and the immortal fighters of Fano came in on the north side.
Who is the leader of the Fanos, Ittu?
I wouldn’t mention his name because just thinking about mentioning his name gives me the willies. But I heard from reliable forces that he is the best war strategists in history. I negotiated and secured safe passage for Abiy and July. They are right here right now just chillin in my basement. So here I go again!! Addis/Finfine is taken!!! Addis/Finfine is taken! Addis/Finfine is taken!!!!! Hey, don’t interrupt! I am enjoying my celebratory cake!!!
ITTU ABA FARDA; You look an educated person but you are narrow minded and ethnocentric person who defend ABIY the boucher who is responsible for the death of millions Ethiopians.