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TPLF the root cause of Poverty, Human Trafficking and National Indignity in the Horn of Africa.

November 18, 2013

By Orion Asmelash

November 18, 2013
This is a Call to all Ethiopians and Eritreans to unite and work together against Ethiopian and African Enemy , the TPLF Junta
 “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools” Martin Luther King Jr.
For the past twenty years, the Horn of Africa is continuously bleeding because of TPLF. It is now time for Ethiopians and Eritreans to stand together in unison to get rid of the diabolic, barbaric and ethnocentric minority regime in Ethiopia. The horrible mistreatment, rapes and killings that we have witnessed in Saudi Arabia did not only affect the dignity of Ethiopians but the horn of Africa in general. When Ethiopia bleeds, Eritrea bleeds together. Moreover, the dignity of Ethiopia is the dignity of Africa.
In 1999, TPLF Leader Meles Zenawi addressing to his rubber-stamp parliament said”If we don’t like the color of their eyes, we have the right to chase them away”.
At that time many people thought that Meles Zenawi was referring only to Ethiopians of Eritrean Origin. However, as we will see the facts very shortly, the message was to Ethiopians in general. The current regime(TPLF) determines nationality not by origin, birth or naturalization but through a myopic lens of ethnicity and political affiliation. Thus, in the language of TPLF “not liking the color of your eyes” means you do not belong to them.
What makes the current situation even worse is not what happened outside but observing Ethiopians been beaten and bleeding in their own country because they protested what is happening in Saudi Arabia. We have seen regimes in the past killing innocent citizens but what we see today is quite shocking as it is attacking Ethiopian nationalism from its root. What is death than the deprivation of national dignity? It is sad to see that people are deprived their national dignity both inside and outside their country.
The regime’s reaction in giving a deaf ear to the dreadful, horrible and shocking beatings, rapes and killings of innocent Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia echoes the very same language of what was hidden inside TPLF’s heart from the get go . The message of TPLF to the thousands of crying people in Saudi Aarabia is clear “we can’t help you because we don’t like your eye color”. TPLF’s systematic attack on Ethiopian dignity and nationalism is not limited to those who are crying out in Saudi but also inside the country. There are plenty of people who were deported from their own land because of “their eye color”. Here are the few facts among many:
  • In March 2013, more than 5000 Amharas deported from Benishangul Gumuz region by the TPLF
  • In March 2012, an estimated 78,000 Ethiopians has been deported from their homes in the Southern Nations of Benji Maji zone.


A regime that practices deportation and killings at home is not expected to defend those who are tormented in a foreign country.
There is no crime or mistreatment comparable to deportation from your own country of origin but this wasn’t enough. TPLF Crimes surpasses deportation, it goes even further to the level of ethnic cleansing and genocide. TPLF is under sever scrutiny on the genocidal massacresagainst many of its peoples, including the Anuak, Ogadeni, Oromo, and Omo tribes. As some in the Genocide watch indicated, the facts gathered so far shows that TPLF have reached stage 7 genocidal massacre. Moreover, did we forget the 80,000 innocent soldiers who have lost their lives in Bademe? did they die for a good cause? what did they gain? whatreason is given to their families for the loss of their valuable life? and who is responsible for these 80,000 lives who have lost their lives for no eason other than prolonging the regime’s life ? there will come a time for TPLF leaders to answer all this but now enough is enough and we need to reclaim our dignity.
Ethiopians and Eritreans should stand together in this very sad moment of history and If we are united we will be strong. In unison we will liberate not only ourselves but the whole horn of Africa but if we are divided we will lose the battle and TPLF will continue to rule. Let us not forget TPLF wants us to stay divided but we are not each other’s enemy, if one of us cry we both share that and if one bleeds the other bleeds too. We are connected to each other and we have a lot more common values than differences , so let us keep pressing until we see peace, freedom, liberty and prosperity in the region.
If we together throw a stone on TPLF, we can reclaim the lost dignity very shortly but if we are divided TPLF’s brutality will intensify. TPLF cannot stand on its own, it is us who gave them the oxygen to breath.
This is an emergency call and we should respond without delay.
Hints of mobilization:
  • Demonstrate and campaign together
  • Organize a platform for Ethiopian and Eritrean political leaders to discuss issues together.
  • Medias such as ESAT, various radio stations and paltalk rooms should play an important role by bringing Ethiopian and Eritrean activists together
  • Use social networking sites such as facebook to create an atmosphere of togetherness
  • Organize huge musical concerts by inviting famous Ethiopian and Eritreans artists and use the funds collected for struggle against TPLF
” Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”
Victory to the Masses!
Orion Asmelash can be reached at orrionn44@hotmail.com

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