Today: February 7, 2025


November 11, 2021

Wondimu Mekonnen, England, 11/11/2021


This paper briefly examines internment as a confinement of a group of individuals belonging to the belligerent parties for military reasons to avoid threats of sabotage during the eminence of war. It doesn’t have to be foreign nationals. It can be applied to own profiled nationals belonging to a section of the society posing a potential threat (Malkin, 2004). The study concentrates on internment for the period between 1940 to date in the United Kingdom and United States and draws lessons from them for Ethiopia. It checks if the experience of the two countries can be safely applied to Ethiopia, to avoid Tigrayan People’s Liberations Front (TPLF) sympathising saboteurs from harming other citizens and even panic attacks on themselves by the alarmed community.



  1. There is no moral dilemma here but internment based only on ethnic identity is immoral all together. It is unethical and unethiopian. Th n we are no different that TPLF that states TPLF and Tigraians are the same. Now internment of active TPLF members and supporters that are not disowning TPLF current attrocities or support TPLF actively is actually a must and no moral grounds to talk about it to defend the loss of Ethiopian lives. But generalizing that to whole ethnic group it can only come from similar ethnic demagogues that are in power now days. It would be more easer to arm all militias and kebeles like DERG time and ask people to defend their turfs but the government is affraid toarm the population because tomorrow it will b asked to be accountable for all ethnica based blunders after TPLF is gone. So short answer not all Tigreans are TPLF criminals, not all Oromos are cowards that slauther peasants, women, kids and elderly. Not all Gumuz are cannibals that pray on innocens, Not all Amharas are cold-blooded that take innocent Oromo musilm elderly from ambulance and stabs or indiscriminately kills Gumuz families. No all of these are actually the ethnic extremists manifestation of the current constitutional order that th PM is fighting for above the well being of the nation to assert the so called ethic rights. The paradox is that all the 82 plus ethnic group did survive and strive during the imperial times without any issue and were passed to DERG and there to EPDRF intact. Today after ethnic emancipation a large number of all ethic groups are to the border of extinction due to lar grabs and development projects. This mas cultural anihilation is only comparable to the 20 plus large ethnic groups that collapsed during the Oromo expansion.

    • So, what is your solution? I have put for you the methodology the UK used during the WWII. Don’t you know the TPLF armed its supporters before it left power? Do you want Addis fall like Dessie?

      • One thing you have yo ask yourself is why somany TPLF operatives are freely smuggling and stashing weapons freely in Ethiopia when no otger Ethiopians are not allowed. Yes as you pointed out the Dessie issue could be repetwd in other cities and indeed theu dod the same wayduring the DeeRG last days iwhere they have thosands of operatives infiltrated before entering the city. But what value adds putting in internments innicent Tigreans that do not have even a gun rather that create in tgeir heart animosity toward otger Ethiopians. Even if the support TPLF when theyventure in the capital are yiu sayin Addis Ababams can not subdue the disarmed Tigreans?. Yes internament suits for sleeping cells but not tor all tigreans. But I blame the Abiy government that is infested of OLF doible pkayers in the security agencies for all this dormant vells in and all arms smuggling going on on Ethiopia. That is also the reason you will not see Amharas neing sufficiently armed. In Ethiopia where the security apratus os soomnipresent that even terrorist atacks are not possible this scale of arms movement only reaching TPLF or OLF and not other on the ground players only points to that. Scapegoaring all Tigreans for tbe government failed self cleanup does not cut it.

      • I do not have or pride solutions as I am not policy maker. But as human being I find it indignant to jail or confine a Tigrean that as Sama as mee feels th current paint for our motherland. Not all Tigrean are TPLF supporters and even if they are if their support is only ideological and not operative they are not a threat I would work about them. Now if youjail innocent Tigreans without any base and blackmail them and take their blonying as being reported it will then aliniate them to aside for sure wiàth TPLF. Those are the same resources you will be loosing to havein our side to defeat TPLF from the Tigrean community. Jailing or confining sleeper cells it really proved that are is not issue and in war time even more drastically steps could even been taken but is in moral to do it just based on identity. If I were a security analyst I would first ask m to self why all the arms smuggling that is going on Ethiopia only reaches TPLF.OLA and tentacle organizations like Gumuz and Kimant militants but it never gets to Amhara, Somali or other militants. Not even to Al-Shabab operatives that have been swearing for some time to attack Ethiopia. All smuggling are uncovers by Ethiopian security apparatus except guns going to TPLF. OLF and affiliates. Who do you think is acting like I have not seen anything the Ethiopian government itself because ODP isore than half infiltrated with OLF/OLA. Even the war is being done is war of cowards where snippers are engaging militias and unarmed pesqnts and the shameless PM is watching the spetacle because he does not want to clean up all those double agents in ODP that are working with OLF/OLA and in extension with TPLF and all associates.

      • I do not have or provide solutions as I am not policy maker. But as human being I find it indignant to jail or confine a Tigrean that as same as me feels the current pain for our motherland. Not all Tigrean are TPLF supporters and even if they are if their support is only ideological and not operative they are not a threat I would worry about them. Now if you jail innocent Tigreans without any base and blackmail them and take their blonying as being reported it will then aliniate them to aside for sure wiàth TPLF. Those are the same resources you will be loosing to have in our side to defeat TPLF from the Tigrean community. Jailing or confining sleeper cells it really proved that are is not issue and in war time even more drastically steps could even been taken but is in moral to do it just based on identity. If I were a security analyst I would first ask m to self why all the arms smuggling that is going on Ethiopia only reaches TPLF.OLA and tentacle organizations like Gumuz and Kimant militants but it never gets to Amhara, Somali or other militants. Not even to Al-Shabab operatives that have been swearing for some time to attack Ethiopia. All smuggling are uncovers by Ethiopian security apparatus except guns going to TPLF. OLF and affiliates. Who do you think is acting like I have not seen anything the Ethiopian government itself because ODP isore than half infiltrated with OLF/OLA. Even the war is being done is war of cowards where snippers are engaging militias and unarmed pesqnts and the shameless PM is watching the spetacle because he does not want to clean up all those double agents in ODP that are working with OLF/OLA and in extension with TPLF and all associates. So you know that tens of thousands of Tigreans including high ranking officers fought alongside with DERG against TPLF right to the last minute?

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