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Press Release from Ethiopia Constitutional Conference of the Diaspora

October 29, 2023
Washington update – October 30, 2023

Conference and briefing on the crisis in Ethiopia

November 6, 2023, 9:30a.m.

U.S. Senate Russell Office Building, Kennedy Caucus Room 


At a time when the world’s attention is focused on the Middle East and the war in Ukraine, the world must not forget Ethiopia or avert its eyes from the ongoing genocide against its Amhara people. Ethiopia, a country of over 120 million people, is the key to stability in the Horn of Africa. 

Ethiopia is experiencing overlapping crises: an unresolved civil war; ethnic cleansing and ethnically motivated killings; desperate hunger and malnutrition; human rights abuses; and crippling corruption. Armed conflict is causing famine, and the avarice of government officials is exacerbating the tragedy. While more than a million people in Ethiopia are in dire need of food, rampant government corruption has led the United States and international donors to suspend aid.

Ethiopian-American civic organizations are holding a constitutional conference and congressional briefing on November 6 to raise awareness of the crises, discuss the common causal factors, and propose solutions. The meeting is open to the press. 

Speakers will present updates, discuss the Ethiopian Constitution and the Federal government structure, and draft a resolution with solutions that will provide the foundation for peace, stability, and economic development. Constitutional change, including the elimination of divide-and-rule provisions that have turned Ethiopians against each other, is an essential prerequisite to bringing democracy, peace and prosperity to one of Africa’s largest countries. 

Congressional staff and representatives from the African Union will be in attendance.

Conference participants include 

1. Ethiopiawinet

2-Ethiopian American Civic Council (EACC)

3 -Ethiopian Survival salvation association (ESSA)

4-Unity For Ethiopia

5-Ethiopian Advocacy Network

6-Horn Of Africa peace and development center (HAPDC)

7- Ethiopian American Community


For more information, contact: Mesfin Mekonen – 



  1. QUOTE: Ethiopian-American civic organizations are holding a constitutional conference and congressional briefing on November 6 to raise awareness of the crises, discuss the common causal factors, and propose solutions UNQUOTE

    a). “propose solution” ?
    b). In our dear BLACK AFRICA?
    c). I honestly wish you good luck.
    d). WE ALL KNOW OUR DEAR BLACK AFRICA >>>> from inside out
    MAY BE .
    “f)”. WE are what we are >>> YES, “f”. for “FAILURE”. Very sadly, we have been
    ‘successful’. thereupon, without a challenger !!! Please, Let us — at the very least —
    be HONEST to OURSELVES. Why cheat ourselves, for Heaven’s sake ????????
    —————THE END ——————-

  2. I guess we are being told that torching vehicles that belong to life saving humanitarian work is ‘People Liberation’. Kidnapping those doing their job to bring desperately needed electric power to villages and homes is now part of ‘liberating’ people. I guess we are now being taken to school so we will see kidnapping innocent citizens as part and parcel of the ‘liberation’ of people. All these measures are justified as long as they are taken by a ‘liberation’ army or some other groups who claim to be defending ‘their people’, we are being counseled. I guess ‘defending’ people means letting them live in villages and towns where law and order has completely broken down. I guess the world is on its head over there in Oromia and Amhara regions.
    May The Almighty Our Creator Save That Gem of The Colored!!!

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