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PM Abiy’s Advisor’s Inflammatory Rhetoric Undermines Ethical Political Discourse

April 25, 2024

By LJDemissie
April 25, 2024

In a recent tweet, PM Abiy AhmedAli’s advisor, Daniel Kibret, asserted that Fano fighters are resorting to stealing fertilizers and glucose for survival food. This rhetoric not only dehumanizes the fighters but also undermines the principles of ethical political discourse. Accusations of this nature have the potential to polarize society, hinder constructive dialogue, and erode trust in the political leadership of PM Abiy.

Daniel’s tweet, which states “ያ ታላቅ ሕዝብ የገጠመው – ግምኛ በሽታ።” (“The great Amhara people are encountering an illness called ‘stench’ [‘as in the stench of rotting rat’] disease”), exemplifies inflammatory rhetoric that simplifies complex issues and portrays the Fano fighters negatively. This type of language risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes and exacerbating existing tensions within Ethiopian society.

Furthermore, such rhetoric is antithetical to the goals of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC). Established as an independent federal institution to facilitate inclusive national dialogue, the ENDC aims to promote reconciliation, understanding, and unity among diverse groups within Ethiopian society. However, the counterproductive social media activities of figures like Daniel Kibret hinder the commission’s efforts by further polarizing communities and impeding meaningful dialogue.

One of the root causes of such antithetical rhetoric lies in the absence of social media rules, policies, and standards of conduct for officials within PM Abiy’s administration. Without clear guidelines in place, government officials such as Daniel engage in divisive or inflammatory behavior without accountability. To deter such social media behavior, it is imperative for the PM Abiy’s administration to establish a control mechanism through rules, policies, and standards of conduct.

Some might argue that Daniel’s tweet was intended to highlight the dire circumstances faced by the Amhara people, including the Fano fighters, rather than intending to dehumanize or degrade them. For instance, “United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Announces More Than $80 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the People of Ethiopia.” However, even if the intention was to draw attention to issues, the manner in which it was done—by asserting they are eating fertilizers for their survival without evidence—still risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes and undermining trust.

Ultimately, the responsibility lies with leaders, including PM Abiy and influencers such as Daniel, to set a positive example and uphold the principles of ethical governance. By refraining from engaging in rhetoric that undermines trust and exacerbates tensions, they can contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and peaceful society in Ethiopia. It’s imperative that political discourse prioritizes reasoned debate, transparency, and respect for all parties involved, rather than resorting to divisive tactics that hinder progress and perpetuate conflict.


The writer, LJDemissie, who received assistance from AI technology developed by OpenAI, can be reached at LJDemissie@yahoo.com or on Twitter at @LJDemissie.


  1. The arrest of genociders such as the Chairperson of the Mahibre Kidusan or any other genocidal member cannot be linked with an attack on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church says:

    “Mahibere Kidusan is a recognized entity that was established nearly forty years ago.
    In Ethiopia, it undertook several projects that supports the services of the Ethiopian orthodox church.””Borkena

    If Mahibreseytan (calling itself Mahibrekidusan) has been around for *40* years, does that mean that its despicable deeds are acceptable?
    Mahibrekidusan was supporting and sponsoring genocide against people of Tigray.

    If religious virtues and sanctity were correlated with the age of a depraved Satanic, political, or genocide perpetrator like Mahibreseytan, there would be an abundance of examples of horrific crimes carried out by organizations and individuals that have been around for more than 40 years. In addition, Mahibreseytan undertook several projects sole to exploit the plight of impoverished men and women and to collect funds for personal gain and organizational profit.

    The arrest of genociders such as the Chairperson of the Mahibre Kidusan or any other member of the so-called Mahibre Kidusan could not be associated with an attack on the Orthodox Church.
    The prosperity party should continue to arrest those satanic members of Mahibreseytan who were adding fuel to the fire (financing genocide and cheering) during the two-year conflict in Tigray and Oromia .
    The arrest of genociders such as the Chairperson of the Mahibre Kidusan or any other genocidal member cannot be linked with an attack on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church

  2. Religious institutions and leaders must be nonpartisan and advocate for justice, but we Ethiopians are not fortunate on that. Since the time of the feudal time, all kings used the clergy to side for their rule. HE patriarch Paulos was spokesperson for the criminal TPLF and his processor HE Patriarch Matias was doing same. Daniel Kibret is another puppet a disgraceful man who betrayed the cause of his own Amha people legitimate struggle by insulting the popular freedom fighters Fano. Aba-Sereke was cursing Ethiopian in support of TPLF and those OLF pastors are responsible for the human crime on Amhara by their hate speech including publishing book against Amaha and Ethiopian Orthodox and HE Paulos was rejecting to condemn OLF pastors’ book of hate written by Fekadu Gurmessa advisor Tessema Teaa and translated to English by Ezikiel Gabissa that shows how clergy leaders compromise with evil politics shame .

  3. አቶ ዳንኤል አንገትህ በገመድ ሲጠልቅ የሚያስጥልህ ሰው ታየኝ፡፡

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