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No Peace While People Live within Sacrilegious Ethnic Boundaries Since the Will of God and Satan’s Project Would never Co-exist!

November 26, 2022

By Belayneh Abate

As history has shown, the most common causes of conflict and war are the pursuits of territories and resources. [1] Territories and resources are demarcated with physical, religious, or ethnic borders, and the higher the number of borders, the higher the number of conflicts and wars. Religious and ethnic boundaries are the most dangerous boundaries on earth since they are the most common reasons for ethnic cleansings and genocides.

Ethiopia Ethnic Boundaries

The colonialist empires have been using complex ethnic and religious boundaries to weaken the colonized through ethnic or religious conflicts previously during the epoch of colonialism and now in the era of neo-colonialism. The five- thousand years old Ethiopia has been defending herself from these mischiefs of colonialists until 1991 when the children of former traitors (Bandas) took power supported by the West and the rivalry powers in the region.

Unfortunately, the children of the traitors accomplished what their traitor forefathers and their colonialist masters were unable to achieve. The traitors looked at the colonialists’ map drawn to divide and conquer Ethiopia and built blood-shedding ethnic boundaries throughout the country. Perhaps, these traitors are the only morons in the universe and history who divided the people with ethnic boundaries following the mischievous maps of their unsuccessful colonialist masters, and scarified tens of thousands of their followers to make their own country land locked.

Since these ethnic boundaries were installed between the very people that lived in harmony for thousands of years, Ethiopians have been deprived of living in peace let alone exercising their God given rights. As the well-compiled graphic documentaries show, Amaras and Guragaes were thrown into cliffs alive in Bedeno right after the cursed hands drew the lines of ethnic boundaries. [2]

Similarly, the Agnwaks were slaughtered to rob their fertile lands in Gambella, and their dead bodies were left for scavengers on grass lands for weeks. [3] The Oromos were imprisoned in masses to the point the flea and lice infested prisons “spoke” their languages, and some were incapacitated or amputated their limbs.[4] The Somalis were massacred in the deserts, and family members were forced to drag the dead bodies of their loved ones on sandy grounds. [5]

The primary targets of the ethnic boundary swards, the Amaras, have been subjected to an ongoing genocide in their communities, churches, and mosques throughout the country. Their birth rates were intentionally significantly reduced through special birth control programs for more than two decades. The list of the barbaric atrocities committed on Amaras is too long to address even in five volume books.[6-22]The ethnic cleansing and genocide of Amara will continue unless they establish strong and complex organizations and fiercely defend themselves until the elimination of these devilish ethnic boundaries.

The traitors copied and implemented their master colonialists’ strategy of divide and rule through ethnic lines to stay in power and amass wealth and ship it to the West. Their evil plan failed to last forever, and they were removed from power under public pressure. Unfortunately, their former serfs and the satanic ethnic boundaries remained in place, and they continued causing endless wars and intensifying ethnic cleansings and genocides of ethnic groups, especially Amaras throughout the country.

Hand in hand with separating the people with ethnic boundaries, the traitors have been eradicating the prestigious cultural assets such as the national conscience, forgiveness, repentance, confession, witness, friendship, neighborhood, nationalism, unity and so on.  As a result,  the nation which was known for its spiritual wealth and Just Men since the era of Herodotus started to borrow mediators even from countries who recently came out of slavery and started to exercise relative freedom for no more than sixty years.

The borrowed mediators and their neo-colonialist masters continued meddling in the internal affairs and strengthening the traitors that drew the satanic ethnic boundaries. As history demonstrates, the colonialist and neo-colonialist empires love fractured and weak countries since they are easy to manipulate and use like hand tools.

The borrowed mediators and their neo-colonialist masters fully understand that the causes of the wars and conflicts in Ethiopia are the dangerous ethnic boundary lines drawn by the traitors who were sitting on the either side of the “mediation” tables.  Instead of pressuring these traitors to erase the blood-soaked ethnic boundary lines, the mediators brought them together and handed them more markers to repaint the lines.

Ethnic boundary lines are not the wills of God or the works of sane minds. Ethnic boundaries are the evil deeds of Satan and his wicked followers. Peace and Unification (Tewahido) are biblical chapters, but Ethnic boundaries are Satanic verses. As long as these satanic verses and the sacrilegious lines that butchered the country into TEN ethnic dysfunctional states exist, even the arch angles could not deliver lasting peace let alone these mischievous mediators since the will of God and Satan’s project  can never co-exist. Thank you.

End notes: All last accessed in November, 2022


  1. Causes of War, Small Wars Journal https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/causes-war-theory-analysis  
  2. Amara Genocide in Bedeno Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcZJIfUkx9M
  3. Remembering the Anuak Massacre: Begin by Lighting Your Candle and then Your Neighbor’s Until Our Candles Bring Light Over Our Nation   http://www.anuakjustice.org/
  4. The Prison’s speak Oromiffa, Ethiopain Review, January 2008
  5. Torture in Ogaden Jail: we are like dead” the Guardian https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/07/04/we-are-dead/torture-and-other-human-rights-abuses-jail-ogaden-somali-regional
  6. Ethiopia Blames Militia for killing 338 people, Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/ethiopia-says-gunmen-killed-338-people-oromiya-region-june-2022-06-30/
  7. Over 200 feared dead in Ethiopia Massacre, The New Your Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/19/world/africa/ethiopia-attack-amhara-people.html
  8. Villagers massacred in Western Ethiopia, The https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/05/villagers-massacred-western-ethiopia-says-state-appointed-. 
  9. Attack on Amara, Ethiopia NPR  News https://www.npr.org/2022/06/19/1106157864/ethiopia-attack-amhara#:~:text=More%20than%20200%20killed%20in%20attack%20in%20Ethiopia%2C%20witnesses%20say%20%3A%20NPR&text=Press-,More%20than%20200%20killed%20in%20attack%20in%20Ethiopia%2C%20witnesses%20say,military%20and%20a%20local%20militia
  10. International Crisis Group: Diffusion Ethiopia’s latest Perilous crisis, https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/horn-africa/ethiopia/defusing-ethiopias-latest-perilous-crisis
  11. ሰበርዜና፡ በአርሲ ነገኤ የተፈጸመው እጅግ አሳስዛኝ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DXRSpxariQ  
  12. ሰብአዊመብት ጉባኤ ሪፖርት 2008 .http://ehrco.org/wp-co
  13. ሰብአዊመብት ጉባኤ ሪፖርት 2008 .http://ehrco.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/HRCO-141st-Special-Report-Amharic-Sene-01-2008.pdf 
  14. Protest Crack Down killed hundreds, Ethiopia, Human Rights Watch https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/06/15/ethiopia-protest-crackdown-killed-hundreds 
  15. Extrajudicial executions, Arbitray arests and detntions Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/africa/ethiopia/report-ethiopia/
  16. Ethiopia, Police Open fire on Protesters https://freedomhouse.org/article/ethiopia-police-open-fire-protesters 
  17. Genocide watch documents on Ethiopia http://www.genocidewatch.org/ethiopia.html
  18. Three million Amhars Missing, Berhanu Abegaz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-g-YWYBdbM 
  19. Three Million Amara are Missing: An Analysis based on the 1994 and the 2007 Ethiopian Population Censuses , Berhanu Abegaz , http://ethiomedia.com/101facts/4513
  20. Human right violation of Amharas Muluken Tesfaw http://video.ethsat.com/?p=24983
  21. Amara Masscre in Arba gugu video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3v9jcDAmDI
  22. The impact of Cervical Cancer Prevention Vaccine in Amara Region.: Ambar https://www.ambapu.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/አምባ%20HPV%20Vaccine%20in%20Ethiopia_1.pdf

The writer can be reached at abatebelai@yahoo.com 

November  25,  2022. 


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