Today: February 6, 2025

How the TPLF, OLF and the Prosperty Party Reduced the Amhara Population

June 27, 2024

Ethiopia Civil War Briefing 25 Oct 2021 1 scaledThe pain and suffering inflicted on the Amhara population over the past half century is incalculable, unimaginable and inexcusable.

I remember critiquing the TPLF-dominated government of Ethiopia for its deliberate misrepresentation of Amhara numbers in its census. I also recall providing a comparative demographic picture from the 1984 census conducted by the Socialist regime headed by Mengisstu Hailemariam, an Oromo who embraced Ethiopian patriotism, that put the Amhara and Oromo populations at par.

I urge you to ask “What happened and Why?

Ethiopia’s demographic composition started to change dramatically and visibly since 1991.

All indicators show that the Amhara population has been assaulted on multiple fronts: psychological, cultural, spiritual, political,, financial, budgetary, economic, human security and demographics. in the 2007 census, a net of 2.4 million Amhara disappeared into thin air. There was no plausible explanation.

This dramatic state and government initiated and calculated decline of Amhara since the TPLF regime and its successor the Oromo Prosperity regime took power. resulted in the further impoverishment and disempowerment of the Amhara population. it is part and parcel of the governing party’s zero Sum game, meaning my gain is achieved at your loss. i gain numeric superiority by reducing your number to a minority status and so on.

The Amhara region is the least developed and the poorest in Ethiopia. This is among the most compelling reasons for Amhara Fano resistance.

Listen to the below video and appreciate the level of pain and suffering Amhara faces.

(The Mystery of Millions of Missing Amharas: Where Have They Gone?)

Aklog Birara

[ Episode-1 ] The Mystery of Millions of Missing Amharas: Where Have They Gone?




  1. ዶ/ር አክሎግ

    እስካሁና ድረስ አቢይን አጨብጭበህ በመቀበልህ፣ አንዳንዴም ወደ ጎጠኝነት በማዘንበልህና ለአማራ ጠንከር ብለህ ባለመቆምህ ስታበሳጨኝ ቆይተሀል፡፡ ዛሬ ግን አመሰግናለሁ፡፡
    ተዋልደን ተካብደን እያሉ መጃጃሉ ማብቃት የነበረበት ከሰላሳ አመት በፊት ነበር፡፡ ተዋልደን ተካብደን እያለ የአማራ ምሁርን የሚያጃጃሏቸው ክፉዎች አማራን በማምከንና ከመጨፍጨፍ አንድ ሰንከንድም አልሰነፉም፡፡ ቴድሮስ እድኖም አማራን በመድሀትኒት ሲያመክን ኖሮ በጉቦ WHO ሲገባ ያላጨበጨበው የአማራ ምሁር ጥቂት ነው፡፡ የሚያሳፍር ነው፡፡

    አማራ አንድ ሆኖ ሲቆምና አንድ ሆኖ ሲሰራ እንኳን ኢትዮጵያ መላው አፍሪካ ነፃ ይሆናል፡፡ ይኸንን ደሞ አማራ ጠንካራ ሆኖ በኖረበት ዘመን አሳይቷል፡፡ አዎን አማራ አንድ ሲሆን ለአፍሪካም ለዓለምም ይተርፋል! ምሁሩ ሁሉ ለአንድ አማራ ይስራ! አንድ አማራ!

  2. I have the whole story for you. Amhara population was around 56 million in 1991 making it the largest ethnic group in the country. The Oromo population was 35 million, Tigres were 3.5 million and Somalis 6.5 million. That alarmed the new Tigre and Oromo rulers and came up with a plan to reduce and control the Amhara. So they brought in their expert in reproductive science, Dr. Tedros. He came up a plan where the child bearing age group in Amhara will be sterilized. He personally injected them with a sterilizer. He traveled throughout Amhara region alone by car and on the back of a mule injected every one of them. That was nothing short of genocide. The plan worked as expected. By 2002 the Amhara population was brought down by 21 million to 35 million and stayed at that level to this day. But the population of Oromia and Tigray doubled and quadrupled. I have the copy of their original plan. Some one who had access to the cabinet of Tedros and Abiy gave it to me 15 years ago. I will include that in my coming memoir that will be available for sale next month. Stay tuned.

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