Ethiopians for Constitutional Monarchy
Grandpa was an Emperor Trailer | 2023
Grandpa Was An Emperor will be shown in Los Angeles from April 7 to the 13th at the Laemmles Town Center in Encino, with evening showings on the 7th and 8th to be followed by Q&A sessions with the producers and Emebet Yeshi Kassa.
Even more good news, the film will be available for viewing on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube Movies cable and Satellite On Demand starting on May 30th, 2023
Consider these two songs seriously for the sound track of your film:
1). Tilahun Gessesse’s: “ዋይ! ዋይ! ዋይ!” ሲሉ – “የረሃብን ጉንፋን ሲስሉ ….”
2). ‘World’s national anthem for Ethiopia’: “We are the World!”