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Gov’t Lambasts WHO Head for False Statement Regarding Tigray Region

March 17, 2022

Addis Ababa, March 17/2022
adhanomThe statement, released by the World Health Organization (WHO) Director General, Tewodros Adhanom stating that the Government of Ethiopia has denied access of medical supplies to Tigray region is far from the truth, according to Government Communication Service.

Government Communication Service Minister, Legesse Tulu told ENA today that WHO Director General has been engaged in activities that are against the principles and values of the organization.

The allegation made against the Government of Ethiopia that it has denied access of medical supplies to the region is false, he said.

The statement of the director general is an act of defamation orchestrated against the government.

Despite the deliberate acts of terrorist TPLF to block humanitarian assistance, including medical supplies to Tigray, the statement made by Tewodros blaming Ethiopia is wrong.

According to the communication minister, following the outrageous blockade of TPLF, UN airplanes have been transporting supplies to Tigray three times a week.

The international community, including WHO, must be aware of the fact that the one that is blocking the medical supplies to Tigray region is TPLF and TPLF alone, Legesse underlined.

For this, WHO must be publicly condemn the terrorist TPLF.

WHO has been focusing on a single region in Ethiopia instead of giving equal attention to all regions affected by the conflict, the minister said, adding that this is wrong as it is against the core values of the organization.

He revealed that the organization, especially the director general of WHO has been disseminating wrong information about the situation in the region.

It is to be recalled that the Government of Ethiopia had expressed its concern over irresponsible acts of the director general against the principles and values of the organization.



  1. Subject: “Gov’t Lambasts WHO Head for False Statement Regarding Tigray Region”, Addis Ababa, March 17/2022

    Humble Commentary, 17 Mar. 2022
    Needless to say, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director General, Mr. Tewodros Adhanom, should stay neutral and fair to the International Organization.

    His vision must be to WHO and ONLY WHO. That photo, frighteningly and negatively, says a LOT, destroying the image and intention of his Honourable, the Director of the World Health Organization. To repeat: That photo is not only frightening to the reader but also unfortunately caught the hidden intention of the respectable director that the WHO had the honour of having one i.e. many moons away back in History.

    In Life, there is always THE END and the charming Director would have to face reality, earlier than he planned. C’est la Vie. YEP! That is Life.

  2. It is easy to guess what is behind Tedros’ lies – to facilitate ‘unhindered’ access to Tigrai so that his associates and the US would ship armaments to remnants of TPLF.

    Even his minders, the US / and EU, have now grudgingly admitted that most affected areas as the result of TPLF atrocities, and in urgent need of help, are in Amara and Afar regions.

  3. I look at it in a way that this official is between a rock and a hard place. He must have relatives caught up in this stupid war triggered by stupid individuals. As a leader of WHO he should make problem known but he should not be involved in the blaming game. It is unethical to take sides and blaming only one side for the lack of medicine and other life saving supplies. Debre and his hooligans will never allow aid to reach the people of Tigray outside their channels. They will never do that because it will be the end of their game as we know it. They will be rendered irrelevant just overnight. Debre and his cabals are not some illiterate doorknobs. They are well read despots. They are experts in how to link cause and effects for their own benefits. That is what kept them riding on the backs of those noble and upright people of Tigray for more than 47 years. But now it seems they have met their match. Again, this officer can mourn the loss of his loved ones but he should never join in the game of blaming only one side.

  4. As the TPLF thug, Dr. Teodros Adhanom does not realize that his position as the director general of the WHO requires neutrality, fairness and competence. His behavior and activities after his organization started the conflict has shown that he is totally ineligible to lead the WHO. Bringing with him his TPLF luggage of racism and fascism into the WHO, he has rather damaged the reputation and integrity of the organization.

    • Mr Dushanbe

      how long have you been smoking SHISHA in US ? How often do you go outiside meet people ? By the way, I have never heard and never found an expression “to bring one’s luggage of racisim ” ? are you inventing an expression for your own ? you have used all sorts of derogatory terms to defame and degrade non-Amharas.

      Amahara elites to ICC

  5. I think Ethiopian legal scholars should lodge a documented complaint to UN agencies and member states. The evidence all there. Let us remember things don’t always remain the same. I do understand Tedros is where he is because Tplf was running the show at the time and would only recruit a Tigrayan candidate (btw, all the expense for Tedros’s shuttle diplomacy was paid from state treasury!). Tedros also is where he is because of Bill Gates (because Gates has his own global agenda and a weak and servile fellow like Tedros is needed to that end). Also, America, UK, and Europe need him as a Tplf linchpin in their strategy to check Chinese, Russian, and Turkish regional influence. In other words, evidence should be meticulously gathered for any eventuality.

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