Among the unifying factors in the resistance against oppression, repression and atrocities in Ethiopia is the regime’s ignorant, ill-conceived, barbaric and short sighted gross interference in the affairs of two ancient faiths that are pillars of society—the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) and Islam. Both have millions of members; and they exist side by side respectful of one another.
The below video of protests in Ethiopia this weekend show fierce determination among Muslims, most of them young, demanding respect for human rights and cessation of repression by the Ethiopian state and government. “Down Down Shimelis Abidssa,” President of the Oromia region echoes sentiments among the majority of Ethopians that the Oromummaa agenda of ethnic supremacy in Ethiopia is destabilizing and imploding the country.
Ethnic elite supremacy hurts all Ethiopians. It makes a weak, poor and aid dependent country even weaker and poorer.
Aklog Birara, Dr
PS: Most of Asafa Jalata’s articles are published by University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The University must be held accountable for providing him with a venue to spread lies. I have sent a copy of this article to the provost (provost@utk.edu) to investigate if Jalata’s writings violate the University’s publication standard. For example, most of his articles are reruns using different titles. They contain easily verifiable lies and propagate anti Christianity and anti-Islam crimes. If you agree please send this article with a request to investigate him.
What does the demonstration tell you ? People and power , where people have the right to select their leader , honesty is the best political policy.. #JusticeForEthiopia pic.twitter.com/DS3N9SvrTd
— @ዥትዊተር @Ramsey ???????? (@1juxa) June 3, 2023
Greetings! Honorable Dr. Aklog Birara,
Why should Readers object to what one writes ?
We may disagree with the content
But “to investigate him” is — in my honest opinion — a HORROR.