Today: February 11, 2025

Ethiopian forces have captured several large towns in the northern Tigray region

October 24, 2022

20201121637415623959975128 An Ethiopian government delegation and rival Tigray forces were due to meet in South Africa for the first formal peace talks since war broke out two years ago.

The talks will take place as Ethiopian forces and their allies make significant battlefield gains in the northern Tigray region, where they have captured several large towns in the past week.

The war is rooted in a power struggle between the federal government and Tigray authorities, who led the country’s ruling coalition until Abiy Ahmed became prime minister in 2018.

The conflict has killed thousands, displaced millions and left hundreds of thousands on the brink of famine.

Ethiopia’s government said in a statement its delegation had left for South Africa to participate in the talks, which are being mediated by the African Union.

“The Government of Ethiopia views the talks as an opportunity to peacefully resolve the conflict and consolidate the improvement of the situation on the ground,” it said.

Kindeya Gebrehiwot, a spokesman for the Tigray forces, said the Tigrayan delegation had already arrived.

He said on Twitter the focus of the talks would be on immediate cessation of hostilities, unfettered humanitarian access, and the withdrawal of Eritrean forces, who have fought alongside Ethiopian federal troops during the conflict.

The Tigray delegation is being led by one of its top generals, Tsadkan Gebretensae, and spokesman Getachew Reda, an official familiar with the talks told Reuters.



  1. Rumors about the exile of the fascist leaders of the TPLF are rife. Many hope that the ongoing military operations in Tigray will uproot fascism from the region and usher Ethiopia and the region into the era of peace and stability. The military victories also negate the false TPLF mobilizing and misleading narrative of Tigraian superiority and invincibility. Exiling these fascists instead of summoning them to the court of justice is painful but can satisfy their western supporters and campaigners.

  2. I just read news from the old country in which we were told about the federal government call to the fighters in Debre’s riff raffs to lay down their arms and peacefully surrender. I hope the part of this article about a section of the youth that was forcibly conscripted into Debre’s riff raffs wants to call it is quits is true. I hope the rest will follow. There is one incessant endeavor Debre and his predecessors have been conducting for more than 47 years in which they have found total success. They wanted their followers to feel superior and feel threatened by the rest of the country. That is their insurance to stay in power. They are not that intellectually challenged. Debre and his predecessors may be stupid but they are not that dumb. All commies and their deacons/darasaas are all like that. Lenin was so stupid to call himself the vanguard of the proletariat but he was not that dumb to remember that he never spent a single day working at a factory in his lifetime. So were Stalin, Mao and every one of the commies after them. In our case we had the butcher Mengistu who badged himself as the center of the proletariat revolution. Can you imagine that? It was not only him but all the rest of the leaders every ultra leftist group commies that mushrooms in that country the late 1960’s and 70’s. Not one of them worked a single day at any of those factories in Addis/Finfine, Dire Dawa and other cities. This is how arrogant all commies and their offshoots are and will be. It is a nagging disease that has been wreaking havoc in that gem of the colored since it set its feet there in the late 1960’s. It is criminal and a cancerous way of life. It never belonged in that country blessed by the Holy Scriptures of both major religions. That was why the early commies were having a tough time organizing inside that country. They had to leave the country not as refugees but on first class government paid scholarships. Some of them did something funny in leaving the country. They did the grouping in Paris, Berlin, LA, NY, some other joints in Europe and Africa under the auspices of legally operating commies there. Those of you who are old enough to be around in the late 1960’s and 70’s know what I am talking about. Those 1st rounder commies high jacked every student organization and use that to spread their poison in the tender minds of young members. Boy, did they know how to talk? They were so gifted on how to feed on the raw emotions of the gullible. The spread of this incurable virus went on for years and it climaxed in the 1970’s. Then that was followed by the proliferation of the core into ‘liberation front’ this and ‘liberation front’ that. You name every ‘liberation front’. They were all founded by members of former commie groups. And now we have this. It is beyond sickening. If that country, that gem of the colored has to be saved, a well planned and concerted effort should be conducted to discredit this evil philosophy without causing any physical harm to those who still regurgitate it. Otherwise such senseless cycle of bloody conflict will be around for ages. My prayers has been those well read among us here and over there in the old country who noticed this nagging ideological specter come together and come up a well concerted plan to expose and get it rejected by the people at large. Communism never created dignity for its citizens but rather made them utterly servile. When his citizens were dying in their millions due to imposed starvation in the 1930’s Stalin was knocking back bottles of the best brewed vodka every night. When his citizens were dying for lack of food during his evil plans of ‘Hundred Flowers Bloom’ and ‘The Great Leap Forward’ Mao was getting fatter and fatter by the day munching down the most delicious food his personal chefs could whip up 3 times a day and any khamr to wash that down. We had our own such demon too. Mengistu used to import the best cigarettes and whisky from the UK along with the most expensive Khamrs from France while millions starve and die during the 1984-85 famine. There you have me. Once I start talking about the evils of communism I will be talking about it until the cows come home. It has to be discredited and rooted out by all peaceful means necessary.

  3. . I hope the part of this article about a section of the youth that was forcibly conscripted into Debre’s riff raffs wants to call it is quits is true. I hope the rest will follow. There is one incessant endeavor Debre and his predecessors have been conducting for more than 47 years in which they have found total success. They wanted their followers to feel superior and feel threatened by the rest of the country. That is their insurance to stay in power. They are not that intellectually challenged. Debre and his predecessors may be stupid but they are not that dumb. All commies and their deacons/darasaas are all like that. Lenin was so stupid to call himself the vanguard of the proletariat but he was not that dumb to remember that he never spent a single day working at a factory in his lifetime. So were Stalin, Mao and every one of the commies after them. In our case we had the butcher Mengistu who badged himself as the center of the proletariat revolution. Can you imagine that? It was not only him but all the rest of the leaders every ultra leftist group commies that mushrooms in that country the late 1960’s and 70’s. Not one of them worked a single day at any of those factories in Addis/Finfine, Dire Dawa and other cities. This is how arrogant all commies and their offshoots are and will be. It is a nagging disease that has been wreaking havoc in that gem of the colored since it set its feet there in the late 1960’s. It is criminal and a cancerous way of life. It never belonged in that country blessed by the Holy Scriptures of both major religions. That was why the early commies were having a tough time organizing inside that country. They had to leave the country not as refugees but on first class government paid scholarships. Some of them did something funny in leaving the country. They did the grouping in Paris, Berlin, LA, NY, some other joints in Europe and Africa under the auspices of legally operating commies there. Those of you who are old enough to be around in the late 1960’s and 70’s know what I am talking about. Those 1st rounder commies high jacked every student organization and use that to spread their poison in the tender minds of young members. Boy, did they know how to talk? They were so gifted on how to feed on the raw emotions of the gullible. The spread of this incurable virus went on for years and it climaxed in the 1970’s. Then that was followed by the proliferation of the core into ‘liberation front’ this and ‘liberation front’ that. You name every ‘liberation front’. They were all founded by members of former commie groups. And now we have this. It is beyond sickening. If that country, that gem of the colored has to be saved, a well planned and concerted effort should be conducted to discredit this evil philosophy without causing any physical harm to those who still regurgitate it. Otherwise such senseless cycle of bloody conflict will be around for ages. My prayers has been those well read among us here and over there in the old country who noticed this nagging ideological specter come together and come up a well concerted plan to expose and get it rejected by the people at large. Communism never created dignity for its citizens but rather made them utterly servile. When his citizens were dying in their millions due to imposed starvation in the 1930’s Stalin was knocking back bottles of the best brewed vodka every night. When his citizens were dying for lack of food during his evil plans of ‘Hundred Flowers Bloom’ and ‘The Great Leap Forward’ Mao was getting fatter and fatter by the day munching down the most delicious food his personal chefs could whip up 3 times a day and any khamr to wash that down. We had our own such demon too. Mengistu used to import the best cigarettes and whisky from the UK along with the most expensive Khamrs from France while millions starve and die during the 1984-85 famine. There you have me. Once I start talking about the evils of communism I will be talking about it until the cows come home. It has to be discredited and rooted out by all peaceful means necessary.

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Hiber Radio Daily Ethiopia News Oct 24, 2022

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