ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA — Ethiopia’s prime minister has appointed the spokesperson of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front as head of an interim administration in the Tigray region.
The appointment is the latest sign of progress in the peace deal that ended the two-year war between the government and the TPLF last November.
Getachew Reda’s appointment was announced in a Twitter message from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office Thursday. The interim regional administration will be in place until elections are held for the region.
The peace deal has resulted in the halt of open conflict and a handover of heavy weapons from Tigrayan forces to the federal government. The government has resumed essential services to the region and has opened aid corridors. It also dropped its designation of the TPLF as a terrorist designation Wednesday, after lawmakers approved the decision by a majority vote.
Reda, along with other Tigrayan officials, had been charged with terrorism under the designation. Ethiopian media reports said those charges were expected to be lifted, though they have yet to be formally discontinued.
A TPLF spokesperson was not immediately available to comment.
Rights groups have accused all sides of committing war crimes during the two-year war, including the TPLF, Ethiopia’s federal government, and Eritrean and regional Amhara forces who fought on the side of the government.
It is now reported in official briefing that Getachew was ‘appointed’ by PM Abiy himself as stipulated in the Pretoria Agreement. It is also reported that the parliament had lifted the designation of a terrorist organization off the TPLF. It is getting very interesting now. The guns have gone dead quiet in Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions now and let’s hope and pray that it will remain so henceforth. If the senseless demise of close to a million people does not teach lesson, what will? Now the people of these regions should toss away their deadly guns and go to work in rebuilding towns, villages and infrastructures destroyed by the stupid war started by stupid individuals. I wish them all peace and stability. Peace y’all!!!!!
Thank you for the comment. We need more positive people like you. We have enough of conflict, war , destitution and death. Peace and prosperity for our people.
Dear Obbo Kebede,
I come to you betting nothing peace!
If you are old enough to see what is going among our educated in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s you could see a dark and deadly coming for that gem of the colored that produced us all. The word compromise could get you ostracized and maligned until you are no more. That country didn’t have the wherewithal to get rid the scabby that was ravaging its people but the well educated among were hell bent in overthrowing the late emperor and establish a socialist state led what they called ‘the proletariat’ which next to non-existent compared to the rest the population. They were having fits to found a dictatorship led by the ‘proletariat’. That was serious problem with. They wanted to overthrow a government they had labeled a ‘dictatorship’ and replace it by another dictatorship. That did not add up for me. To bring that to fruition they labeled themselves as the vanguards exclusively qualified the ‘revolution’. Then they started to splinter into ultra leftist groups one calling the other derogatory names. The jargons they were using against each other are still incomprehensible to me. Then they took their verbal battles back to the old country and you know what happened. They lined up the gullible youth and what followed was nothing less than total decimation of the young generation. Their twisted ideology left that country future leaderless! The survivors then continue in leading the country from one quagmire into another. Every ethnic groups we see today were all founded by communist individuals. It has become a vicious cycle for those upright and noble people. Just look what just happened in the northern part of the country. Was the demise of close to a million young people worth it? Thinking about all those gullible young people just makes my blood boil.
Blessings to you and your family.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, the PROBLEM in Our Dear Black Africa rests upon EDUCATED Black Africans of the Highest Order being ambitious and selfish together with uneducated dictators who are illiterate to read any book.
IN SHORT, WE BLACK AFRICANS ARE COMPLETELY CONFUSED from illiteracy to artificially distorted education >>> leaving us in the wilderness.
If this is the price to pay for permanent peace I am for it unless some one takes this as an opportunity to regroup for another bloodletting. Is the demise of hundreds of thousands of young people not enough? Is the raping of thousands of our glorious women not enough? Is the complete destruction of homes and infrastructures not enough? When I think about these savage crimes it makes my blood boil. It just leaves me fuming. The building of that country was going in earnest for almost 30 years but it took only two years to burn all that to the ground. After 40 years that country still is not able to feed its people. It is still panhandling for ‘Brother, can you spare a dime?’ Some one in the West, Asia, Oceania and the Americas even in other African countries having a conversation with a friend tells about a recent news about people starving. Who? Who else? Them Ethiopians! They are still starving? Yes they still do. The world is so accustomed to hearing Ethiopians starving that it has been used as punchline by comedians. What do you call an Ethiopian farmer with a starving dog? You know their answers. Even one high level comic was making a joke upon hearing that there is an Ethiopian version of American Idol and closed his line wondering where will they find a burley/fat contestant. I say take all your zeraaf, laloyes and gerersaas and stick it!!! Damn, damn, damn you niggers!!!
Ittu Aba Farda, What a seasoned and cool headed analysis!! Kudos. “If this is a price to pay for a permanent peace, be it” approach is admirable and pragmatic in nature. For a little over a decade, I follow your comments and almost all are noble ideas that you presented and which I always be excited to read and learn. We, collectively need to dig out from the pit that we buried ourselves in by changing the narratives of the west that we are starving year in and year out despite the fact that we own a fertile land, plentiful water resources and considerable man power which is the envy of many nations. Instead we are indulged in fighting each other for many years. I am just wandering why we profoundly want to fight? What are we benefiting from a war, a clash? As a society we love and admire heroes of war. Do we have a blurred vision of differentiating a war wedged to defend a country which is heroic and a fighting to one another internally? To what end? Is it our societies conceptual nature? Or is it the proportion and division of our resources versus the population number that causes the conflict? This culture of war should have been changed through education but unfortunately the few educated individuals and groups of the society are the ones who perpetuate, create and flame these wars and causes the youths the crème of the nation to perish in hundreds of thousands. So, I think we learned a lesson from this war that it is time to say enough is enough.