Today: February 10, 2025

A Political History of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (1975-1991)

July 27, 2008

Revolt, Ideology and Mobilisation in Ethiopia
Aregawi Berhe

ethiopia in 1991 1

Amsterdam 2008

First and foremost though, I am deeply grateful to my promotor Professor Jon Abbink forhis unreserved support and guidance throughout  the research undertaking, which started as a book project. Under the hard life in exile, this study would have not come near
completion without his assistance, encouragement and intellectual guidance. Not only was he the VU University ‘promotor’ but also a source of inspiration in this academic challenge. I thank him for his insistence that I write a primarily academic rather than a political work, and I appreciate the constant guidance that he gave me in this respect. I hereby also absolve him from any such occasional lapses that the text still might have.

My sincere thanks and gratitude also go to my ‘co-promotor’ Professor Christopher Clapham for his profound comments, observations and suggestions he gave on the thesis. In addition, the constructive comments I received from the external examiners have also contributed significantly in broadening the scope of my research. I thank them all.

I am indebted to many friends who helped me in a number of ways (editing, translating, proofreading, giving comments, providing data, giving comfort etc.) while toiling up the different chapters. Among them are Amanda Woolly, Melakou Tegegn, Girmay Gezahegn, Wondifraw Ambay, Mesele Seyoum, Emmanuel Tola, Kahsay Berhe, Tesfay Atsbaha, Giday Zeratsion, Wolde Selassie Asfaw, Atsede Kahsay, Rafael Tewolde, Meles Wolde Ammanuel, Berhane Gebretensai, Assefa Aynekulu, Asnake Kefale and Abiye Ashenafi. Heartfelt thanks also to the ample succor of Rita van de Looverbosch and to the longstanding encouragement of Paula and Krisno Nimpuno. — Read more on PDF version...…..




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